South DaCola poetry club w/ Chuck Luden

Charles Luden will be reading his poetry
between music sets by Burlap Wolf King and Johnny B at
Latitude 44 (8th & Weber in Sioux Falls)
Thursday April 15, 2010

Rock On!

Chuck bustin’ a move at the Color of Sound filming


Why do we keep painting
and writing poetry?
Are we that close to insanity?

Charles Luden
At Grille 26

Stehly put up a great fight


Just out of curiosity, I decided to see what each candidate paid for each vote, if you added there expenses with money on hand (assuming they spent it all) this is what each paid.

STEHLY: $3.23 per vote


If you only take what they spent up until April 8th;

STEHLY: $1.73


My biggest disappointment Tuesday night was Theresa losing her bid for Central District. As I mentioned below, the council seat races were not mentioned by the media until the last minute, and that was tragic. Over the past couple of weeks Theresa has relentlessly asked local media to cover the races, not just for her own benefit, but for the benefit of all running.

Will Theresa run again? Probably not. This was something she had already decided. But don’t think this is the last of her advocacy – not for one second. I reassured her last night, that I prefer being an advocate over being a lawmaker, and it is not a bad place to be. Cheryl Rath also told Theresa she makes a great advocate, and I would agree.

I will say to, that I was disappointed in myself. I actually helped design some of Theresa’s campaign postcards and helped write some of her materials. As someone who has worked in graphic design and advertising for over 16 years, I feel I failed her on many levels. I have worked on non-profit fundraising campaigns in the past that have netted big results, so I don’t take this loss lightly.

It was no secret that Michelle also went to Hildebrand for political advise, and paid a lot more for her votes then Theresa did. When Theresa ran against Vernon I believe he paid 2 or 3 times more for votes then she did. What can I say, we got beat by a political giant.

But this fight ain’t over.

UPDATE: I guess that 731 voters in the Central District did not even fill out the council seat, that tells me that a lot of people were uninformed.

Who was financially supporting Huether in the general election? Mike Huether.

I apologize that I failed my South DaCola readers for not catching on to this before the general election, but someone knocked me upside the head about it last night. It seems that most of Huether’s in-kind support, came from Mike himself.

But first with the fun stuff I like to nitpick. While I have been a strong advocate for unions and the EFCA, I found it very, very, odd they would give Huether money;

This is a guy who probably never worked a union job in his life, a guy who climbed the corporate ladder all by his lonesome, a guy who probably developed strategies to solicit credit cards to working class people who couldn’t afford them, and as far as I can tell, never helped the employees of First Premier Bankcard form a union. Maybe Sy is right, the unions really do have their heads in their asses.

I also found it interesting that ‘Mr. I’m getting screwed over by the city.’ had all kinds of money to hand out to mayoral candidates, and Mike couldn’t resist the salt-lick.

That’s gonna cost yah, Mike.

But let’s move on to the big stuff, first the summary (NOTE: I have edited these images for spacing reasons)

Does it seem too weird? I mean, he got good direct contributions and his In-Kind is over the top, until you see who his major In-Kind supporter is;

(I edited out contributors who were not Mike, which only amount to $1,558.07)

That’s right kiddies out of the $53,022.67 dollars in In-kind contributions, $51,464.60 of it came right out of Mike’s pocket. Talk about personal aspirations.

I could say a multitude of things about this, but talk amongst yourselves (in the comments area of course).

My favorite songwriter of all time, gets what is long overdue, Hank Williams Sr. wins a Pulitzer Prize


The late Hank Williams has joined the company of only a handful of musicians to win a special award from the Pulitzer Prize Board. Citing Williams for his

“craftsmanship as a songwriter who expressed universal feelings with poignant simplicity and played a pivotal role in transforming country music into a major musical and cultural force in American life,”

the Board recognized one of America’s most beloved country music stars.