One more reason we need a fiscal conservative in the mayor’s office . . .

While you can read this story and all the comments under it and come up with your own judgements, it comes as no surprise that these bonuses were handed out. This city has thrown money in the burn barrel like it is going out of style. While I don’t have a problem with bonuses, what I can’t understand is the point of handing bonuses to people who make over $90,000 a year? Are they so f’ing strapped that if they don’t get that extra Grand or Three Grand they won’t be able to make ends meet? It’s like, “Oh, you weren’t able to buy that leather couch for your den, here’s a couple of grand, just laying around, go for it! It’s just working class, taxpayer’s money.,” I hope the next mayor, whoever they are, cleans this house of corruption and greed up.

It makes me sick.