Is it time for Costello to come clean on his association with Kent Vucurevich (H/T – Poly)

From the Argus Leader and KELO-TV;

The Ground Round Restaurant was closed April 1, putting 54 employees out of work.

The restaurant at 1301 W. 41st St. was shut down at the direction of MinnWest Bank of Sioux Falls, which owns the land and building, restaurant general manager Dan Dammer said.

The business had been operated by United Enterprises GR LLC, which is co-owned by businessman Kent Vucurevich. He has been battling financial problems.

Notice that Costello lists United Enterprises GR LLC as one of his business ventures in his first financial report;

So if Kent isn’t paying the bills are his business partners? Maybe someone should ask Costello about it?


A reporter sent me this info today;

Costello told me Kent asked him to help manage the restaurant in 2008. He helped out for four months, but after realizing it was a mess got out of that deal in December 2008. The only reason he put it on his financial report is because the report asked for any business ventures he had been involved in during the past year, which would have been from August 2008 to August 2009.

When combing through the court papers about the foreclosure of the restaurant Kent Vucurevich and Colin Steen were the only two mentioned in all of the filings concerning the Ground Round.

We debated long and hard yesterday about whether we should include Costello in the story or not. We ultimately decided not to include him because he was not involved in any of the legal proceedings or involved when Vucurevich and Steen started going into foreclosure.

While this is good news for Pat, it still doesn’t change the fact that Pat has done business with Kent in the past. It makes you wonder what other scrupulous characters Pat does business with?

Has KELO-TV turned into a propaganda wing for Vernon Brown also?

It seems not only does the Gargoyle Leader have to put Staggers down, Stormland-TV news cannot resist either. At their six-o-clock news it was clear that Kermit had won their poll, but instead of presenting those results they showed Vernon as having the top favorable rating;

Not only is this misleading, it borders on deception and libel. Doesn’t matter if you like Oklahoma State or Nebraska, it only matters who wins. Kermit won the poll, the poll you paid for. I like Santa Claus, doesn’t mean I would elect him to mayor.

This election is about qualifications, something your editors, news directors, camera men, photographers, journalists and probably janitors lack. You are pathetic source of news and you wonder why day in and day out people tune out the news? Because you try to influence instead of inform. In these last 12 days, I beg you to report the news, as is. In fact, I challenge you, because it seems you struggle with it.

As a blogger, it is MY job to influence, not inform. But it seems now days I’m the one that has to put the truth out there. How sad coming from a guy who does it in his underware while listening to his I-Pod.

SURPRISE! South DaCola endorses Vernon Brown for mayor of Sioux Falls!

Get out your feather boas and unicorn saddles, because Sweet Vernon ‘The Velvet Hammer’ Brown is in the HOUSE!

While I have been telling you over the past, oh, I don’t know, 3 years that Kermit is the man, I came to the realization that we need someone sensitive in the mayor’s seat, and Vernon is the man. NOT KERMIT. Who else has;

• Taken taxpayer money to bailout the zoo

• Flip-flopped on tax increases (cuz, god dammit, those developers need help)

• Talked about how adorable his daughter is one too many f’ing times.

• Cries about not having an indoor pool on a daily basis.

• Deletes blog comments on his site.

• Claims to be a fiscal conservative while advocating a million dollar rhino barn and flamingo shed.

I could go on an on about all of his experience as a KELO-TV jokalist and a marketing manager for some communications outfit, but why bore you with his inexperience? Just vote for Vernon, and he will read you a bedtime story on Channel 16 every night and tuck you in while a silhouette of an American Flag waves in the background. Don’t hold back, vote with your heart, not with you head.