Back in the Saddle

I guess Qadir passed the smell test, for now;

The Multi-Cultural Center’s board reinstated Aware Tuesday, but members would not release a report from a University of South Dakota group it hired to review the center and its activities.

Okay, so let’s get this straight, a public university (which receives state money) conducts a a review of a public institution (which receives state, county and city money) and the public is not allowed to see it?

He (Aware) said he prefers to spend money on programming rather than on expensive brochures and advertising, but agreed the center needs to update and improve its Web site.

I couldn’t agree more. But was the money being spent on programming? That is the bigger question.

“If you look at what the people of the community said in these focus groups, and if you can look at the services they are providing and say there are not any problems, then you’ve got your head in the sand,” she (CC Twedt) said.

So why did we wait 13 years to evaluate the center? Seriously. Are we gonna just wait until the bottom falls out before we do anything?

And you think DaCola is famous for political potty mouthness

I guess this is what a ‘Big F’ing Deal looks like.’

Joe Biden Nails it!

Washington (CNN) – In the White House room where Abigail Adams used to air out her clean laundry, Vice President Joe Biden used some dirty language.

A microphone picked up Biden uttering the “F” word Tuesday in the majestic East Room of the White House, as President Obama signed the historic health care reform bill into law.

After delivering a rousing introduction of the president in which he praised Obama’s “perseverance” and “clarity of purpose,” Biden turned to embrace his boss.

As the crowd of approximately 300 people cheered wildly, Biden turned to Obama and said with a big smile, “This is a big f– deal!”

The president did not react to the comment, apparently aware that the microphones may have picked up the words.

Shortly after the ceremony, White House Press Secretary used his Twitter feed to try and diffuse any controversy.

“And yes Mr. Vice President, you’re right…” Gibbs tweeted from his @PressSec Twitter account.

An aide to the vice president pointed reporters seeking comment to Gibb’s tweet.

The vice president is known for unscripted moments, but not in such a high-profile setting as a bill-signing ceremony in the East Room. According to the White House Historical Association, first lady Abigail Adams was famous for using the room to dry her laundry. President John F. Kennedy lay in state in the East Room after his assassination in 1963.

Bob Christensen; The Last Resort in the SE District?

I guess this really isn’t an endorsement, but Bob is the best option for that district. I watched a disappointing Gargoyle Leader interview with the candidates, and was thoroughly disgusted with the lack of diversity in the candidates. I will give Bob credit for one thing, he is willing to change his mind on an issue. During the interview the board asked the same stupid question they ask everyone, Events Center, blah, blah, blah. It seems Bob has been talking to the public, and they are not too pleased with the Events Center task force’s findings. Bob seems to be flip-flopping on the issue. I think he kind of surprised the AL ED board by admitting he no longer supports the entire plan. He thinks that private funding should have been pursued first. He also thinks that the EC should be built first, then add on to the convention center later. There is nothing wrong with changing your opinion on an issue. It seems Bob is willing to listen to the public and implement their opinions into policy. I appreciated that he was frank, even though none of the candidates can be considered ‘progressives’.