Clara Hart, clear choice for Sioux Falls city council At-Large ‘A’

I did support another candidate in this race previously. But after watching the interview with the Gargoyle Leader’s Editorial board, I have changed my mind. Besides the fact that we need more women on the city council, Clara is more then your average woman. Clara came to Sioux Falls 20 years ago with practically nothing and has made a name for herself as an advocate for immigrants and refugees. Her diverse background in public service more then qualifies her to be a city councilor. This is from her state senate bid website:

Hart, 50, is the home-school immigrant liaison for the Sioux Falls School District. She has also been active in a number of community groups that provide important services to citizens in the Sioux Empire, including the Banquet, Lutheran Social Services, the Girl Scout, the Junior League, the Ronald McDonald House, the United Way, and Kilian Community College, to name just a few of her many involvements.

Hart has also lived the American dream. A native of Mozambique, she and her family were forced from the country and were refugees in Tanzania, the Sudan, Zaire, and Kenya. She eventually immigrated to the United States in 1988. In 1997, Clara earned her bachelors degree in political science from the University of Sioux Falls.

“I know first hand what a lack of law and order does to a person and to a society,” Hart said. “I know first hand that it is more important to give a person a hand up than a hand out. My adult life has been spent trying to help people help themselves.”

Is Code Enforcement harassing political supporters now? Seems so.

Yesterday I was made aware that the city code enforcement department was trying to squelch free speech. A Staggers and Stehly supporter purchased and has been displaying these signs in his yard. A couple of days ago, code enforcement took them down and said he was violating ordinance. Not true, so he put them back up. After a discussion with the enforcement office he explained to them that as long as his signs did not exeed 1,296 square inches (they are 1,230 square inches) they are legal to display, according to city ordinance. The real reason they were removed was because of ‘several complaints’ the code enforcement office finally admitted. Really, is that how we enforce code now in Sioux Falls, if someone complains loud enough, the code enforcement office just makes up something? The signs are staying up for now.

Mike Huether; Poor Choice for Sioux Falls Mayor

UPDATED: In all fairness to Mike, I have updated my comments about the EC.

While, I have been telling people, including, Mike Huether, that he is my second choice – after the past week, and things I have seen and heard, I no longer have a ‘second choice’.

Let’s not muddy the waters. Some things do not change.

FACT: Mike Huether was VP of Marketing for First Premier before quitting in June 2009 to pursue being mayor. He told me to my face that he quit at FP because he “Won’t do the bidding of T. Denny Sanford.” But let’s not be silly folks, the damage is done. As VP of marketing Mike was in charge of the marketing strategies for FP, he probably knew about how they targeted consumers, no, HE DID KNOW. I worked in the CC industry for 4 years as a mail piece and document designer, I knew a lot for being the low man on the totem pole. The CC industry is cloaked in secrecy, not just because of Federal Law, but because of trade secrets. Trust me, Mr. Huether was well aware of what he was doing, and he can sayOut damn spot’ all he wants, but it won’t go away.

Sure, he helped Sanford become a billionaire and he helped employ alot of people in Sioux Falls. But guess what, those strategies are now deemed illegal by the Federal government, and for good reason, they were bleeding their customers. Mike just can’t wash his hands of First Premier, I’m sorry, you participated in something that makes me not want to trust you and that is what scares me about a Huether administration.

I also have trouble swallowing some of the things he tells the public. In his Gargoyle Leader interview he told the Ed Board that he has been saving up for years to run for mayor. Yet he told me that he quit at First Premier because he wouldn’t do the bidding of Denny. So would Mike still be working at FP if he wasn’t worried about the perception of the public and the ‘business experience’ he achieved at FP? He is kinda like Costello in the realm of business, he loves to mention his experience but doesn’t tell people what that experience entailed. Pat likes to talk about burgers instead of meat-market bars and Mike likes to talk about ‘financial institutions’ instead of fee harvesting schemes.

When it comes to the Events Center, Mike says this; “I will present a palatable plan to the public, that touches on one point, and that is – let’s come up with a proposal to replace the existing Arena.” He also touches on funding, and says we can build a new EC for aroung $90 – $110 million. Mike does have some great ideas. He does agree that most residents are opposed to the current funding plan. He also suggests we can bond for the EC and use the BB & B tax. But in his AL interview he says he will introduce a plan once he becomes mayor. But why not NOW? I have told Mike in emails that it would actually help his campaign if he introduces a concise plan for the EC. Yvonne Hawkins (who sits on the Ed Board) even says to Mike that his proposal is ‘philisophical’ It seems she was trying, as I was, to get Mike to tell us his plan. He also would not promise a EC would get build during his administration. And he finishes by saying, “He will present a plan after he is elected mayor.” In an email to me he said this;

“Scott, if you don’t know me like you reiterate in your blog, then how can you attack me like you do?  No one has been more open than me on the Events Center Task Force proposal and future plans than me.  No one.”

He apparently was upset about this comment I made;

“That’s just it, that is all we have with Mike, is just his word, and I don’t think it is worth much. I sent him an email simply asking him to tell me his plan for the Events Center and he couldn’t do it. Why is that? That worries me.”

He talks about ‘ideas’ he has but still maintains that the task force needs to meet again and it is up to the voters. That’s not a plan, Mike, that is a suggestion. Leaders lead, they don’t make ‘suggestions.’

Just for the record, I have told Mike, on numerous occasions he is more then welcome to defend himself on my blog, with a guest post or even in the comments section. So before you start hollering at Detroit for being the big bad wolf, maybe Mike should build his campaign house out of bricks instead of straw. But what can you expect from a ‘straw man’