Are You Ready For Some Football

For some, March madness means basketball. Not the crowd I run with. This time of year is getting ready for the NFL draft April 22nd. Pouring over mock drafts is part of that process. Dude, Sy, here’s your chance to lay it on. After all, I have not been very kind to Big 12 football.

I took the following pic in KC when the STEELERS were playing, er gettin their ass’es handed to em.  This is the play that Big Ben got  his concussion on. Big Ben might be Pig Ben. If it’s true, trade his ass while he still has value. The STEELERS are rebuilding anyway.

South DaCola Open Discussion • The cost of Sioux Falls’ Home-Rule Charter

What do you think?

While Sioux Falls has experienced enormous (business and population) growth since the Home-Rule charter came into affect, city debt has skyrocketed and working class wages have not really gone up. So is the Home-Rule charter hurting more then helping? I don’t know?

Fight away.

(Sidenote; PG, you are welcome to the discussion, trust dat, but please let’s not mention guns, Nazi’s or hookers).

Oh, Joel, stop being soooo wrong about the Sioux Falls municipal election

Gotta hand it to Joel Rosenthal, he really has no idea what he is talking about (or maybe he does and is trying to manipulate voters – hey Joel, everyone knows that is my job);

Kermit Staggers has been actively going door to door for approaching three years. He has had signs on his car that simply said Councilman Kermit Staggers, and appeared in several parades as a Council member. While rationalized as just talking to constituents, though outside his Central District, it is in reality veiled campaigning.

Joel, when is your hate-fest for Kermit going to end? So what if he has been campaigning for the past 3 years? Kinda sounds like a good plan to me. In fact, Kermit talks about the 19,000 doors he has knocked on as a councilor on his website. And while you call it ‘veiled campaigning’ I call it ‘doing his job’. Kermit listens to citizens, something it seems our current city government cannot comprehend. Vernon just wants you to send him a postcard (at your expense).

Finances do demonstrate the degree of support a candidate has in the community.

Yes they do, if most of that money is coming from regular ‘joe-sixpack’ constituents and small businessmen and women. But when you read the donor list of the top contenders, it reads like a who’s – who of Sioux Falls (financially). They donate money because they are attempting to BUY the candidates. I’ll give Brown and Staggers credit for taking the small donations from ‘real’ people.

Most every political activist and / or junkie believes Staggers makes the finals. I do not agree. It is a close call between Vernon Brown and Pat Costello.

LMAO! Vernon and Peterson are gonna have a death match for 4th place. The top three candidates running neck and neck are Huether, Staggers and Costello. I still believe that Staggers and Huether will be in the runoff. They both have grassroots support. And BTW, Joel, I am neither a junkie or an activist, just a loudmouth.

The two At Large Seats will be won by, (At Large A) Rex Rolfing (though never rule out a Coach or former Coach in this case Clarence Kooistra) and (At Large B) Jim Entenman. Michelle Erpenbach will win the Central District seat.

I have no well formed opinion about the Southeast District seat. The candidates are Sue Aguilar, Bob Christensen, and Ryan White. Like giving some edge to a Coach (note: Dave Munson was a coach early in his career) give a little edge to Christensen who is a Barber, another very well networked occupation.

Rex Rolfing? You are kidding? Right? Who is Michelle Erpenbach?