Jesus hates hot dogs and penis jokes


I find it disturbing how a family restaurant can have T-shirts and TV commercials that make it hard to take your kids. My 7-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter picked up quickly on the sexual innuendos. The TV commercials are not family friendly. If the restaurant catered to adults only, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. We need to protect our kids as much as possible in this society. They take it to school, church and other places. I will take a stand and not visit these places.

I know the guy below, he is actually the first winner of the South Dakota ‘Gutt check’ bicycle race. Christsakes, Jeff, I had trouble eating one of those lukewarm thingies, let alone 8 1/2.


A strange and misleading endorsement of Sweet Vernon ‘The Velvet Hammer’ Brown

While I still think it is gigantic pile of dog doo-doo that we are subsidizing the Feds by paying to raise the levees, I think this letter writer is incredibly misguided;

Brown knew the costs to raise the levees would need to be paid through the selling of revenue bonds.

First off, no that is not the best way to pay for the levees. The Feds regulate the levees (FEMA) and the levees (should) be maintained by the Feds (The Corp of Engineers) they are ultimately responsible for the cost, not the taxpayers of Sioux Falls. As councilor Litz said to me in an email, the Feds kind of had them between a rock and a hard place on this one.

The only “no” vote against the bonds was cast by City Council Member Pat Costello.

And, correct me if I am wrong, but I think all eight councilors voted for the bond? They really had no choice. I know that the Gargoyle Leader’s staff probably doesn’t have the time to FACT check every letter, but this one is questionable. Of course this is the same newspaper that just lets it’s editors print whatever campaign financial numbers they want to pull out of the sky.

Is Mike Huether endorsing Staggers for Sioux Falls Mayor? Kinda sounds like it.

I have to chuckle at the mayoral candidates, they all seem to think they are more qualified fiscal conservatives then Staggers, and they sure like to talk about it. The fact is that Staggers is the only one with a voting record of trying to stop wasteful spending, in the state legislature and city council. You can’t just be a Johnny come lately when it comes to calling yourself a ‘fiscal conservative.’ We know Vernon and Pat have a record of NOT being fiscally responsible. Mike of course doesn’t have a political record, but he does have a business record in the Credit Card industry, and his former boss, T. Denny Sanford didn’t become a billionaire by giving his customers a fair shake. So keep it up guys, you are fooling no one.