Pat Costello; Poor choice for Sioux Falls mayor

I think this photo says it all.

When you have one of the wealthiest, arrogant, big mouths in the community pulling for you, it tells you who Pat Costello would represent. NOT YOU. Don’t believe me? Just go to his donor list. Why would some of the richest movers and shakers and biggest developers in Sioux Falls be giving money to Pat? Because they like him? Because they care about us? BAHAHAHAHA! It’s called ‘Favors’. That is why there is NO universal healthcare or public option in the current ‘healthcare reform’ legislation. Big insurance and Big pharma bought off both Dems and Republicants. And that is what is going on with Pat, they are buying him. That’s what scares the shit out of me with these guys. Remember, the guy above (Dana Dykhouse, President of First Premier Bank) is the one that sent the threatening email to councilor Staggers accusing him of ‘Class Warfare’ and ‘Organizing Opponents’ when it came to the Events Center. Kermit never organized anything, Kermit is a listener not an organizer. He’s a leader not flamethrower. This is also an interesting twist. Why isn’t Dana supporting his fellow co-worker Mike Huether? And if Huether is in the run-off with Costello, what then? Or if Huether is in the run-off with Staggers, who will Dana support? Weird, Weird, Weird. As Mike said to me once (as I tried to control myself from not laughing in his face) “I won’t do the bidding of Denny Sanford.” Uh. Probably not, since he is paying Costello to do it for him. Why would he give you money? You already know he is a crook. I just wish Mike would come out and say it. Be a badass for once!

But besides Pat’s disgustingly top heavy donor list, he really doesn’t have the resume to be a mayor. He worked one year as a CPA, he invested his silver spoon money in a bar (that has some of the highest police calls in the city) and a hamburger shop and that is about all he has accomplished. It’s easy to be successful in business when you have a lot of money to begin with to invest. He also flip-flops a lot on his votes. Just watch the council meetings, no consistency, no strong stances. Nothing but a shaved face and a good smile.

So I say to Pat, “Shut up and go make some croutons!”

The PUC enjoys ‘Dickering’ they just don’t like giving West River residents very good rates (H/T – Badlands Blue)

Gary, do you know what it means to ‘Dicker’?

The 20 percent rate was Black Hills Power’s “best offer,” said Kyle White, vice president of regulatory and governmental affairs for the utility’s parent company, Black Hills Corp.

“Your job is not to negotiate,” White said to Hanson. “It’s to decide whether or not we’ve made a good offer.”

“I beg to differ,” Hanson replied, arguing that it’s his responsibility to “negotiate and dicker” and make sure rates are not unfair to the utility’s customers.

It means to negotiate, but the term is probably derived from ‘dicking around’. Well, kinda looks like Black Hills Power is doing just that, dicking their customers and dicking the PUC. Nice work commissioners. Do us all a favor, and do your job for once and stop dicking us around.

Vernon Brown for Mayor sloppy, sloppy mailing

I got this masterpiece in the mail today, as a person that has worked in advertising and direct mail, I don’t even know where to begin.

First off, it is obvious there wasn’t much planning done before mailing this out. Notice the smear at the top, red ink, if not dry, smears easily especially on gloss cover stock. This mailing was probably sent out right after the piece was printed. The text under his 3 p’s is way to small. He also seems to be taking credit for what ALL of the council did together. Also notice on the perforated tear off part, it is not a BRE, so you have to donate postage to Vernon’s campaign in order to send him his concerns. He should have made this postage paid and he would get a bigger response, I’ll be surprised if he gets any.

Like I said above, little planning went into this mailer, notice the barcode sprayed across it. There should have been a wider margin to accomodate for the barcode, looks very sloppy.

Fun times

Here’s your chance to hammer the mayoral candidates, of course the Gargoyle Leader will probably edit your questions (like they did when I tried to question John Thune about healthcare reform) but let’s give it our best shot;

Two candidates for Sioux Falls mayor – Vernon Brown and Janoct Adja – will answer questions from readers and the Argus Leader Editorial Board in separate sessions Wednesday at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., respectively.

Let’s see if Janoct shows up. The other night while I was working he came into the bar at the restaurant I work at and I asked him why he wasn’t out campaigning, and the mostly whitebread bar all shut up and stared at him, and the bartender said, “Campaigning?” and I said “Yeah, Janoct is running for mayor.” You could have heard a pin drop. I love how people are sooooo shocked that we have the ‘Black Man’ living in our community. Give them Hell Janoct!