My new favorite Podcast

Driftglass‘ website is already my favorite political satire site, but his podcast with bluegal cracks me. I have been listening to these two flaming liberals rant for 30 minutes the past 3 weeks and it has been a blast. NSFW.

Here’s a sampling;

“I love the movie, The Ten Commandments, because we find out Moses’ middle name . . .”

And I like this gem from bluegal’s site;


The city’s solution to fixing our horrible streets; Hold some meetin’s

Go figure, the city plans to hold public meetings, on weekdays in the middle of the afternoon when no one can attend, so they can say, “Hey, we held public meetings and no one showed up, so there must be no problem.”

• 2 p.m. Tuesday on West Avenue between Sixth Street and Madison Street. One of the subjects at that meeting will be learning a new way to report problem spots to the city.

• 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Commerce Center at the corner of Eighth Street and Phillips Avenue. City leaders will talk about the upcoming construction season, which they call “one of the biggest ever” for Sioux Falls. The city will spend about $33 million on street repairs that will affect 1,200 city blocks.

• 2 p.m. Friday at Gage Bros., 4301 W. 12th St. The 41st Street bridge reconstruction project will be the main topic of that meeting. Billed as the largest single construction project in Sioux Falls history, work on the bridge is scheduled to start March 29.

They want to blame the weather,

Rain in January seeped into cracks in the road, and the subzero temperatures that followed expanded the ice and blew out the roads, he said.

but the truth of the matter is that these streets were in bad shape before the winter hit. I encourage the mayor, the city council and the public works director to ride bicycles this summer on the main commuter routes, you will get a first hand view of what shape the streets are in.

The problem all along has been that the city hasn’t kept up with street maintenance, Costello admitted himself that the city is over $100 million behind. So what has the city been spending the money on? New streets for developers and monkey crappers. The next mayor needs to put a one year halt on new street development and play a serious game of catchup. Hire every damn contractor in the region to get these streets repaired.