When Eyob, Chris and I met over sangria at Mama Lada’s Downtown Sioux Falls a few years back, my main goal was influencing alternative art movements in Sioux Falls. This is awesome.

This picture is from the filming of ‘The Color of Sound’ (L to R: Jamie Danz, Scott Ehrisman, Eyob Mergia, Hope Happeny)

Should have known this was coming (H/T – Helga)

Once again, SD Legislators get their yearly dose of ridicule for their backwoods thinking;

Recently it was Utah trying to use the political arena to bludgeon climate science using the same old debunked denialist nonsense. Now South Dakota has upped the ante. Besides the expected idiocy as in Utah’s resolution, the South Dakota House passed aresolution that included (presumably, though that may be giving too much credit) basic errors in wording – even simply being wrong they got wrong!

Plenty of people are getting good laughs about the use of “astrological” when “astronomical” may have been meant, and “thermological” when, uh, not sure what they meant. It is funny to see someone who gets the science quite wrong, trumpets errors that are trivial in the big picture, and declares, “[g]lobal warming alarmism is politics, not science” turn around anddefend the SD legislature’s action.

South DaCola still rocking the house, and I don’t have to pay Lawrence & Schiller a damn thing

The Gargoyle Leader exposes Costello for how he plans to win; SPENDING LOTS OF MONEY.

Kermit’s quote is priceless;

“He really doesn’t talk about issues on his Web site,” Staggers said. “It’s a lot of fluff and no substance. People can see it for themselves. They don’t have to believe me.”

And Vernon ‘Broken Piggybank’ Brown cries “We, we, we all the way home”;

Mayoral candidate Vernon Brown calls Costello’s ads “disappointing.”

“I didn’t think that we would play at that level in Sioux Falls politics,” he said.

You would think a marketing manager would get it?

The AL references ‘DaCola’ in their story;

And if you Google ‘Pat Costello for Mayor’ I come in second place. Maybe Pat should be paying me instead of Lawrence & Schiller, NOT TO POST stuff about him. LMFAO!