Today, SD Men have even more POW (Power Of Weiner)!!!

Good day!

Re: news articles about SD Men’s continued weiner health (anti-female baby-making related parts), upheld high taxes on gourmet hot dogs preventing “poor & hungry deadbeats” from taking up a wealthier SD customer’s seat at the Senior Wee Wee Restaurant, protected police puppy penises, and more spiritually inspirational prophetic wisdom from the All-Mighty Lord & Savior’s favorite Dick!

SD House kills contraceptive coverage bill


SD House kills food tax bill


SD House passes bill to protect police dogs


Cheney at CPAC: Obama ‘One-Term’ President


Today was a good day to be an EggBert Family POW (Power Of Weiner) Man & for the registered Republican men in the Senior Wee-Wee state of SD. 



EggBert & Men of the family (even Granny Gumption agrees with the POW Factor – she knows her place in this world, and she also knows the power of Gramps Grumps’s boiled, fried, grilled, and yes, even his frozen, shriveled, limp, and/or leaky weiner!)

Thune gets his ass handed to him by Ron Paul in a CPAC poll (H/T – Helga)

Thune for President? LMFAO!

Ron Paul Wins 2010 CPAC Straw Poll

Only 2,395 straw poll votes were cast by what organizers said was 10,000 attendees at this year’s CPAC.

Results from the full field, and a link to the complete poll after the jump.

Haley Barbour: 1%

Mitch Daniels: 2%

Newt Gingrich: 4%

Mike Huckabee: 4%

Sarah Palin: 7%

Ron Paul: 31%

Tim Pawlenty: 6%

Mike Pence: 5%

Mitt Romney: 22%

Rick Santorum: 2%

John Thune: 2%

Other 5%

Undecided 6%

What do the new CC laws mean to you? (H/T- Helga)

The Huffington Post does a nice job of explaining it;


THEN: Banks could charge as much as they wanted. They could assess annual fees, activation fees and other fees. This was mostly a problem for subprime cards marketed to those with poor credit scores. One popular card, for example, the Premier Bankcard, charged $256 in first-year fees for a $250 credit line.

NOW: Service fees, such as activation and annual fees, will be capped at 25 percent of the credit limit during the first year of use. After that, there is no cap.

There is a lot more of this kinds of crap throughout the legislation. Seems like the CC industry will be doing just fine for a very long time.

UPDATE: On a similiar note, fellow SF Cartoonist John Daiker has entered a cartoon contest (his entry below) you can vote for him HERE.