The Hypocrisy of Manny Steele? (H/T- Equal Junction)

This is amazing article about not just the hypocrisy of Rep. Steele, but of the hypocrisy of many Pierre lawmakers. Remember Mr. Klaudt?

Earlier this week, at their weekly Legislative Coffee, Representative Manny Steele (R-SD) compared homosexuals to pedophiles. Steele said this to support his vote for NO on HB 1144-the South Dakota Bill that would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. After learning more about Representative Steele, and his family…and his6 sons, we knew the math was on OUR side,he doth protest too much.

On Thursday, we spoke with Rep. Steele regarding his stance for No on HB 1144, we discussed his comment and wanted to give him a chance to apologize and recant this ignorant statement. During our time with the representative, he was given multiple opportunities to recant and apologize for these remarks. No apology was offered. Steele only continued to tow the line of hate and ignorance by saying that being Gay is “a choice.”

“There are people that are beastialogists. There are people who have sex with animals, so do we say that’s ok? Is that ok for society?”  –Rep. Steele

Let the hypocrisy begin. It wasn’t until cornered with his circular and arcane logic broken, that he gave up and admitted that he actually has a homosexual son. He reluctantly admitted, “my 3rd son…is Gay,” and later inquired if we would reach out to him and attempt to try and defend his record. This was his last possible refuge from sounding like a monster.  Fortunately for us, and our community, his own son, Randy Steele admits, “I wouldn’t vote for him.”

Inside Stormland TV News continues to be the propaganda wing of City Hall

Imagine that, they posted this story and video a day after it aired. Usually the ‘Inside’ programs don’t post for about a week. They are really laying it on thick. I also thought it was ironic that they did not have opponents on the program. Go figure. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t good journalism require both sides of the story? Why does the media continue to let the Events Center TF say whatever they want to? The plan was flawed on several levels; funding, tenants, economic impact, recession, etc.

Mayor Munson to announce his 2010 budget contingency plan today at the 4 PM informational

A year late and a couple of million short. Rumor has it King Dave is going to announce major cuts to 2010 budget today. I guess he doesn’t want to pass those difficult decisions on to the next mayor 🙂 This should have been done a year ago, or at least before the budget was put together. Cuts should always be up front, and hey, if you save a little money you can pass those savings on to tax payers.

I had an interesting discussion about a week ago with someone in upper management in the city. They told me that there is a lot of waste in most of the city departments, they see it first hand. They also inferred that some departments horde money and when they realize at the end of the year they need to spend it, they do so in one lump sum to make sure they get it the next year. I could rant for several paragraphs about this, but I won’t, because this comes as no surprise. What bothers me the most is that this is OUR money being pissed down the drain instead of being spent on infrastructure upgrades and customer service to citizens.

Some of our jackass state legislators FAIL again

Who cares about Ben Franklin, he was a nobody

Good news from Pierre, again. I’m starting to like the 2o10 legislative session more and more everyday.

Maybe they shouldn’t have asked a lawyer that has had trouble in the past interpreting the 1st Amendment to write legislation for them . . . I’m just saying.

A House committee killed a bill that would have required those who operate Internet sites to keep records so they could identify people who anonymously contribute defamatory comments.

One of our greatest founding fathers, Franklin, often railed against England in anonymous letters to newspapers. Just imagine if Franklin feared anon dissent and did nothing? Where would our country be today. Do modern day lawmakers have any clue about history? Apparently not.