More on the Sam Kooiker censure (H/T – Fleming)

Seems some people are trying to cover their asses;

What does all this mean? Well, it means that after receiving the May 6 email, Alderman Kooiker and Alderman Weifenbach went to the mayor and insisted on a real investigation, which we now know has resulted in Fish Garbage Service facing a civil lawsuit, significant security changes at the landfill, an employee who has been dismissed, and an on-going criminial investigation of the entire matter with the investigation going back seven years (statute of limitations), indicating that the situation at the landfill had been going on for many years and costing the citizens of Rapid City many dollars.

When Alderman Weifenbach asked about the problem years prior, he did not have an email evidence trail. And, so when he was told there was nothing going on at the landfill, he had no evidence other than his word that he brought it up. Enter Alderman Sam Kooiker who hears from a different source and makes the email inquiry.

This, of course, makes the public works director and the mayor look very bad, since this has been going on under their noses for years. And, they chose to do a half fast investigation by asking the (now fired) employee if he was a crook, and took his word for it when he said “nope.”

Jackass of the day? Sure.

While I don’t have a problem with pouring Yellow Tail wine on the ground. (Sorry folks, it is really awful, awful, awful, wine). I get a kick out of people who think radical vegans are going to take over the world.

In a tan, worn Carhartt jacket and black cowboy hat, South Dakota rancher Troy Hadrick is an unlikely digital folk hero, a viral warrior.

But there he is on YouTube, pouring out a bottle of Yellow Tail wine – by the looks of it, a nice sparkling white – onto the snowy, hoof-trampled ground with his winter-coated cattle looking on. The act is in protest of the company’s $100,000 donation to the Humane Society of the United States.

“My concern is with the Humane Society of the United States, which isn’t connected at all with the dog and cat shelters in our local communities,” the fifth-generation Vale rancher said Thursday. “This is an organization that’s pushing a vegan agenda in this country, and that concerns me. That donation is going to go to efforts to try and put me out of business, and I’m just not going to support a company that does that.”

WTF is a Vegan agenda? Drinking Soy Milk with your latte while eating lima beans? Get a life dude. Though, I will admit, I do get a kick out of my favorite cartoonist, Dan Piraro, a militant Vegan;



Keep the Boy Scouts Morally Straight, not Queerly Crooked!!!

A Hardy Howdy Anti-Homo Boy Scout Hello Handsnake Salute to ya all:

Re: this very PRO-HOMO fundge packer-backer blogger’s Queer & Crooked plea for a more GAY-er Boy Scout Program  (ICKY-POOH!)

( http://cookross.typepad.com/cook_ross_blog/2010/02/boyscouts.html )

ALERT: DO NOT ALLOW THEM IN OUR TENTS AND DO NOT LET THE U.S. BOY SCOUTS BECOME LESS MORALLY STRAIGHT THAN THEY ALREADY ARE BY ALLOWING GAY-BAIT BOY SCOUTS THAT ARE QUEERS & FAGGOTS!  Well, at least most EggBert Family members (hard to tell about Nathan Jane, she-nephew) were raised equally Morally Straight AND non-Queerly Crooked while in the Boy Scout program. The Proof is in the Scout Oath Puddin’ – Below are EggBert Family photos of past Non-GAY Cub Scout, WeeWeeBelows, Boy Scout 1) knot-kinking & rope-escape merit badge assignments, 2) PineWoody weenie roast derbies, 3) greased-up patrol leader & wet-uniform contests, and 4) hot & sweaty-steamy Summer overnight campfire adventures, etc.  SEE EGGBERT FAMILY (MORALLY STRAIGHT) BOY SCOUT PHOTOS BELOW:

Scout Oath (or Promise)

On my honor I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country

and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong,

mentally awake, and morally straight.


EggBert & family (and a cast of millions up on millions of Morally Straight Boy Scouts across America and below the collapsed Senior WeeWee Restaurants where we all live in non-Queerly Crooked weenie happiness…)


Before the internets, there was this thing called a ‘FAX’ machine. Remember that? Well, people still use them. Some people thought it would be fun to ‘FAX’ toons and jokes to each other, and my dear sweet mother participated in this practice. She sent me her binder of ‘FAX’ jokes, and I will be sharing them with you (some of them). You think the internets are full of filth? Give me a break. If I see one more ‘FAX’ joke of a guy getting his pee-pee cut off, I may hurl.

Anyway, let’s start this out with a bang;