Olbermann…Love him or hate him.

Seems to me Olbermann is hated by the right. The guy ran this story Monday night. You’ll have to wait til towards the end to catch his take on the Indians Affair comment.


Then he followed up on Tuesday night with this.


And again on Wednesday night with this.


Keith, by these airings, raised a lot of money for a worthy cause. Maybe I missed it cause I don’t get the daily Argus print edition anymore, but did they even cover ANY part of this? And Princess Steph, or Thune, or Johnson? Where were they on this story? That’s right. Bringin home the bacon in the form of 2 million dollars to study the effects of the pine beetle in the Blackhills.

AWOL…again? Or maybe not. If they have been “involved”, it certainly was,or is, low profile.

Thanks Keith Olbermann.

This isn’t the first time Todd Epp has taken a swipe at the First Amendment

Back in 2001 Todd was willing to defend the Brookings Arts Council as a board member of the SD Arts Council. Joy Crane ultimately got Todd to resign on the board because of the extreme conflict of interest that would have existed defending the BAC against someone he is supposed to be representing, a member of the Arts Council, Crane herself. That, and his blatant disregard for the First Amendment. Joy won her battle, I guess the BAC got a little nervous when they started getting letters from anti-censorship lawyers in New York and the ACLU.

As we insisted in our letter to Ms. Knutzen (jointly signed by NCAC, David Green of the First Amendment Project and Jennifer Ring of the ACLU of the Dakotas), randomly applying the vague and subjective standard of appropriateness to work that clearly constitutes protected speech raises serious constitutional concerns. The viewpoint expressed in “Chastity Belt” might well be unpopular and potentially controversial for Brookings, SD. But it is precisely to protect speech that is controversial or even offensive that the First Amendment exists. And, as the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed: “If there is a bedrock principle of the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” (Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 414, 1989)

Indoor pool advocates still going batshit crazy over the fact that they lost to democracy

Word on the street is that the Gargoyle Leader and a handful of parents of swimmers are pushing for another public indoor pool. It seems the elites in this town just can’t let something die. As I pointed out before the Drake Springs vote, there is over 30 indoor pools in Sioux Falls and over 8 private pools that you can pay an admission to and swim at. I would have been behind an indoor pool plan if we lived in a town of a couple thousand people and didn’t have an indoor pool already, but that is not the case. The indoor pool vote failed for numerous reasons, and money had little to do with it. Location and size (non-competitive) had a lot to do with it. Even the Snowfox swim team opposed it in the end. The indoor pool failed because the city not only failed to listen to the people that were against it, but they failed to listen to the people that were for it. Rumor is that they are trying to get it back on the ballot in April or November. A word of advice; listen to the public. An indoor pool would be great, but factor in some ideas that make sense

• Make it a partnership with the SF School District so it gets optimal usage

• Build it with competitive lanes

• Build it either at Lincoln or Roosevelt HS

People are always quick to blame old poor people for why these plans fail at the voting booth. Did they ever think they fail because they are poor plans? The indoor pool at Drake Springs was a poor plan, admit it already and move on with a SMART plan supported by all citizens.

Could the 1% sales tax increase make it out of committee?

What’s the best way to pay for playgrounds for the rich? Tax the shit out of the peasants of course.

Word on the street in Pierre is that it has a very good chance of making it out of committee. This does not surprise me. I guess the committee members have been lobbied pretty hard on the issue. Even if it makes it out of committee I don’t think it will pass the houses, and if it does for some miraculous reason, voters will certainly turn it down in November;

The sales tax bill that could produce a funding source for a new Sioux Falls events center is scheduled for its first hearing today.

House Bill 1198 is scheduled to be heard at 10 a.m. by the House committee on Local Government.

The bill would enable cities to impose a temporary one-cent sales tax for a specific capital project, pending local voter approval.

And it seems Mr. Tax and spend himself will be in Pierre to promote higher taxes, go figure.

A hearing in the House Local Government committee will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. and Mayor Dave Munson plans to testify about the bill. But it’s only the first step in the five-step process of passing the third penny sales tax bill through the legislature.