On the fence

I just got done reading Sue Aguilar’s website. She is running for SE district SF city council. I like some of her stances especially on road funding;

Streets/sewer/water – the essentials of any good city government.  These basics are too often taken for granted, yet are one of the main functions of city government.  Currently, portions of the second penny sales tax, originally instituted many years ago to keep our streets maintained, have been used for other capital improvements.  While I am not opposed to using a small portion of this money, the majority of the dollars from this source must be used to make sure our streets are improved first.  Then and only then can we use any portion of this fund for other projects.

This is a tough choice, because I also believe Bob Christensen would make a good councilor. But, I will say this, the city council needs more women, and Sue isn’t a slacker;

Sue began her professional career in New York, where she held positions as a Government Bond Trader, Human Resource Executive, and Social Services Administrator.

This is a tough one.