Thots on the Sioux Falls mayoral forum

Not only would Mike make a great mayor, he is also a cat lover. But hey? Who doesn’t love a little pussy?

The Gargoyle Leader did a decent job of covering the event yesterday, but we will get to that in a moment. I want to give my quick overview of how the candidates performed and some strange things that were said;

Pat Costello didn’t really say anything new, and he seemed to be railing on Mike a little. I think Pat and perhaps some of the other candidates are coming to the realization that Huether is their toughest competitor (in their minds). They really seemed to agitated about Mike’s stand on the Events Center.

Huether: I support a new arena, however, the proposal is too broad and too expensive and the good people of Sioux Falls don’t even understand it.

I think the irritation came, because when Mike was talking about the EC, he talked about what he has been hearing from citizens, and he sounded pretty genuine, at least I believed him, that’s when he made the statement above.

Costello also talked about his ‘whopping’ two years he worked as an accountant, not sure how that would make me want to vote for him. Also, him and Vernon flat out lied about property tax increases, which I felt was a ploy to gang up on Staggers.

One thing they won’t have to worry about is property tax increases. City Councilor Staggers vowed not to raise property taxes in 2011, but City Councilor Brown pointed out state law only allows an increase for new construction.

“None of us will be increasing your property taxes. The state doesn’t allow it,” Brown said. His comment was echoed by Costello, who also is on the City Council.

Yet they both voted to increase the percentage that the state allows cities to take in 2009. And when you increase the percentage, you increase taxes. I would think an accountant would know that. Maybe he didn’t get to that part in his career yet, considering he only did it for about two years.

Bill Peterson seemed angry, bossy and arrogant again like he did in the first forum, he just doesn’t have the demeanor to be mayor in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, we need a strong leader, but what we don’t need is a mayor that is going to TELL us what is best for us, and Bill comes across that way. I just don’t think he is a bridge builder. This comes as no surprise, Bill has worked in management for years, and if he manages his current employees like he wants to manage the city, I feel sorry for them.

Mike Huether seemed to be caught flat-footed a few times, I think he was surprised by some of the attacks. I think he performed well, especially taking a stand on the flawed EC plan, but at one point he started comparing himself to Staggers. You never want to say you are like one of your competitors, even if you are (which he is not). He also made a statement that kind of made me laugh, “Sioux Falls is already a retirement destination.” More like most elderly don’t have the money to retire in sunny Arizona, so they find themselves stuck in SF living on a fixed income. And I’m not sure how that statement sounds to young people. I just thought it was a funny statement from a guy that calls himself a progressive. There is one thing I like about Mike though at the forums, he seems to be very jovial and tries to interact with the other candidates, I found that refreshing. He is quite the opposite of the angry cabbage patch kid, Bill. Oh, and he likes cat owners.

Kermit Staggers was very consistent, concise, honest and sincere in his answers. The one thing I have not realized about Kermit until this forum, is that he is a rock. This is very important in a leader. If a path for our city is chosen, it will take a rock to stay on that path. While I agree with this statement from Kermit;

Staggers: We have to make sure we have our present retirees can stay in Sioux Falls. We have to make sure it’s affordable.

I would have liked to hear more about job creation. I know he has ideas, and he needs to get them out there. Kermit is a strong proponent of deregulation, which I believe is a job creator. He also believes in keeping taxes low, this is also an effective way to create jobs.

Then there is Vernon Brown. His ongoing theme is ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’ but talks very little about how he can create those jobs. My advice would to be stop selling Sioux Falls as a low wage haven and start attracting good paying, green energy manufacturing jobs. Besides lying about the property tax increase, Vernon also goes on to mislead on various other issues, which doesn’t surprise me, he has done this countless times in council meetings. First off, he claims to have a ‘blog’ that statement made me spit out my soda when he said that. You mean the one where you delete people’s comments? Then he said this;

Brown: I won’t be the one imposing a sales tax on you, that’s your decision.

Yet I voted to increase fees, property taxes, the 2nd penny since I have been a councilor, oh, and BTW as the president of the SD Municipal League I am pushing for the sales tax increase. C’mon Vernon? How F’ing stupid do you think people are? You want this increase, you have made it your priority as the League’s president, you may not be voting on it, but you will promote it like crazy to anyone who will listen. He also made a extremely misleading statement about a east/west road through the middle of town. I have often said it is possible, and we could save the golf courses and make them into a state park and build the road. Vernon claimed ‘Some historic homes would have to be taken out.’ Whatever. Once again, Vernon came across as a phony.

All and all, I think the candidates need to hone their messages better, and with less then 70 days until the election, they better be coming up with some deets, quick.

South Dacola’s big frickin’ art auction

For the next couple of weeks I will be featuring paintings I have FOR SALE. I will be selling them for BEST OFFER unless otherwise noted You can leave your bid in the comments section, and if your bid wins, you can email me.


Awesome Photos!

It was 12 below zero in Pierre on January 9, 2010. I glanced over to see Capitol Lake as exceptionally beautiful this day. so I couldn’t resist stopping to “play photographer.” In those few minutes, my fingers became numb. I had stopped to have a little fun, but stood in silence before leaving with a deeper respect for our great American soldiers. Images by Colette Kessler.


