Wasted Time At Work Costing Companies Billions





I mean you no harm l3wis. We have met and I find you and your site very refreshing.

That being said…from the San Francisco Gate



For many American workers today, time’s a wastin’ – literally. According to a new survey by America Online and Salary.com, the average worker admits to frittering away 2.09 hours per 8-hour workday, not including lunch and scheduled break-time. As a matter of practice, companies assume a certain amount of wasted time when determining employee pay. However, the America Online / Salary.com survey indicates that employees are wasting about twice as much time as their employers expect. Salary.com calculated that employers spend $759 billion per year on salaries for which real work was expected, but not actually performed.
The biggest distraction for respondents? Personal Internet use. 44.7% of the more than 10,000 people polled cited web surfing as their #1 distraction at work. Socializing with co-workers came in second at 23.4%. Conducting personal business, “spacing out,” running errands, and making personal phone calls were the other popular time-wasting activities in the workplace.



How many here frit away their companies hours? I only bring this up because one of our white collar contributors was appalled that a blue collar park caretaker was seen watering a tree AND reading a book…ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Oh, the horror. You white collar guys here claim you’re still doing your job. So what part of that park caretakers responsibility was he not meeting while reading that book?  To those who were outraged that a blue collar worker might actually get away with this…YOU ARE A HYPOCRIT.

Oh, gotta love those kooky Republicant’s (H/T – Helga)

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This survey says just how f’ing crazy they really are;

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m putting the finishing touches on my new book, American Taliban, which catalogues the ways in which modern-day conservatives share the same agenda as radical Jihadists in the Islamic  world. But I found myself making certain claims about Republicans that I didn’t know if they could be backed up. So I thought, “why don’t we ask them directly?” And so, this massive poll, by non-partisan independent pollster Research 2000 of over 2,000 self-identified Republicans, was born.

So sorry, we must cancel your event Comrade


For China’s Gay Community, The Show Doesn’t Go On

At the Mr. Gay China contest rehearsal, participants rehearsed for a fashion show and prepared to answer questions by a panel of judges. The plan was to send the winner to represent China at the worldwide Mr. Gay contest in Norway in mid-February.

Niu Niu said pageant organizers wanted to present an appealing and wholesome image of China’s “comrades,” as homosexuals are known in Chinese slang. “Healthy, fashionable and with a sunny and positive attitude,” Niu Niu said.

Despite his optimism, he said many of the would-be contestants had not yet gone public with their sexual orientation.

At the rehearsal, before the pageant was shut down, a 29-year-old business consultant with a dragon tattooed on his forearm asked that he be identified only by his first name — Justin.

“I don’t want my parents to know about this event,” he said with a laugh. “If I don’t win this competition and they see me, I’ll just deny it was me. If I win, then I’ll accept it and treat it as an opportunity to tell my parents the truth.”