If you don’t vote or speak up, tough shit, you are not a part of the equation

Democracy only works when we work it. It seems our crybaby school board doesn’t like people who are passionate about our school system talking to them, they only want to hear from the meek and the non-voting;

The next time Sioux Falls School Board members approve a budget or decide when school will start, they want to know in advance what the public thinks.

The problem, as they see it, is that only those people who feel strongly about an issue are going to speak up – such as the mother who board member Debbie Hoffman said recently “accosted” her at a grocery store to complain about the school calendar.

Gee willickers, how dare a constituent question a public official to their face. Bravo to that person.

“You need to bring the silent majority back in the conversation,” he said.

While I agree, if these people are informed voters, you and I both know that most people don’t give two shits about what the school board does – it shows in voter turnout. And the ones that do show up to the polls and meetings, are the ones you need to listen to. I’m tired of catering to the lazy, uninformed non-voters. Start listening to the informed, you know, the ones that “accost” you in the grocery store. This coming from an Event Center Task Force member that only showed up to the last couple of meetings to share her “uninformed” opinion.

Combat gambling with more gambling? Stupid is as stupid does.

Can’t wait to hear the deets on this one;

Sen. Scott Heidepriem at this hour is discussing a plan to build a casino in Sioux Falls to compete with a casino and resort complex now under construction in Lyon County, Iowa.

UPDATE: Is it just me, or is it blatantly obvious that Heidi-Scott has some clients pressuring him about this?

“I simply can’t condone their efforts to pickpocket their neighbors,” said Arndt, who originally is from Iowa.

Pickpocket? C’mon! Arndt and Heidi-Scott are so clearly out of touch with voters on this issue. If you polled Sioux Falls residents, most of them would probably agree that the (Lyon county) casino is a positive thing. I don’t want a governor who is concerned about SD VL casino owner’ profits. I want a governor that is concerned about jobs, sales tax revenue and affordable entertainment, all of these things will be provided by the Iowa casino. Grow a brain. Your press conference borders on the ridiculous.