Back in the Saddle

Hello everyone:
Well, I made it through probation and now I can again say publicly that the Earth revolves around the sun. You can catch up on the medical cannabis proposition at http://decorumforum.blogspot.com/.
Emmett Reistroffer will be in Rapid City Thursday afternoon at the Summer Nights concert at 7th and St. Joe downtown. Emmett, of course, is the guy who, more than any other single person, is responsible for the fact that South Dakotans will be voting in November whether to allow sick, disabled and dying patients to use cannabis to alleviate their conditions.
South Dakotans for Compassion, the organization which includes Emmett as its principal officer, has a website you should visit.
Look for the SDCompassion.org table in art alley or in front of the Staging Grounds at 7th & St Joe.
Emmett has asked me to invite you to participate in the parade in Deadwood on Friday and/or Saturday as a member of So. Dakotans for Compassion. Please reply if you would like to do this. We’d like to present a group of people of all ages. We may be costumed by the Deadwood parade committee.
And stop by the SoDak Compassion table Thursday night at Summer Nights. Emmett has some suggestions on how you can help promote Initiated Measure 13, the South Dakota Safe Access Act.
Best regards,
Bob Newland

SD Municipal League; FOOD TAX: Good – PROPERTY RIGHTS: Be Aware!

Yvonne Taylor, Executive Director of the South Dakota Municipal League addressed the SF City council at the informational meeting on Monday. She said some interesting things. She was questioned about code enforcement, and she said (paraphrasing);
“You have to be careful about property rights.”
Yeah, NO shit?! Then she switched gears on the food tax, she seemed to support it because it was a ‘consistent’ revenue source and went on to say that the people that ‘can afford it’ don’t have a problem with paying it, and we need to get more help to the less fortunate.
Here’s the deal. Damn right the well-to-do support it! It makes poor people pay taxes while the rich skirt income taxes. It has already been proven that our state would be much better off if we had an income tax for people who made over $30,000 a year and eliminated sales taxes. We could probably even get rid of that disease called Video Lottery.
We know who runs South Dakota. Rich Republicans. I would love to throw tomatoes, if I could afford them.

South DaCola Music Club with the ‘Kisor Invasion’ – Touch of Europe, Friday July 30


Trumpet greats Ryan and Justin Kisor will return for a special one-night performance at Touch of Europe. They join the David Napier Quartet for a night being called the “Kisor Invasion.” Both Ryan and Justin grew up in Sioux City, IA and have gone on to highly successful careers as jazz musicians. Ryan performs with the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra and Justin plays with the premier Navy Jazz ensemble. David Napier is a stalwart of the regional jazz scene and has been playing with both Justin and Ryan since there were growing up in Sioux City. David performs with various ensembles, most recently as the bassist with the Johnson/McKinney Quartet on the main stage of the 2010 JazzFest.

If you love Jazz Trumpet, these two cats are well worth seeing. I’ll keep the Amber Bock cold for you Justin!

Justin & Ryan Kisor

Rant-a-bit podcast; Send me your questions!

We will be recording episode #2 on Tuesday. Our guest is a journalist from the Sioux Falls MSM. We will be asking them a myriad of questions.

Shoot away.

*PS – The guest will be introduced and revealed on the show, so keeping their identity a secret until then is not a trick. I just want your questions to be geared towards the Sioux Falls media in general and not the guest.

I will reveal the guest after the recording on Tuesday.