South DaCola

About as clear as mud; Sioux Falls Arts Council

Micah Luke, a very talented local artist, pulled into a very strange news story . . .

I’m not sure who to blame on this one? Stormland TV‘s horrible reporting, or the actual council for not having a clear objective;

“Helping to coordinate all of these exhibit places and to spread the word about what’s being shown,” David Xenakis said.

Am I the only one after watching this story clueless as what the SFAC objective is? Are they going to reopen the Horse Barn? Are they going to help local artists exhibit for FREE? Am I missing something here?

A 2009 study found that every one dollar invested in the arts provides a return of $14. That’s why those with the arts council say now is the time to invest in the entire arts community.

If you read my blog Mr. Luke, please fill us in. I’m curious WTF David is talking about? Economic impact or art? It seems the local news and the non-profits who stroke them are getting worse by the day. It’s like ordering a whiskey cloudy and getting water, ice and Coke.

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