South DaCola

Argus Endorser? Liberal rag? Yeah . . . right.

I watched this dull video which was void of any competing opinions (all four legislators interviewed were Republicans). I have often laughed when people have called the Argus Endorser a liberal rag. LOL. They are neither a liberal rag or conservative cheerleader. They however will tow any line they need to push THEIR agenda on certain topics (Events Center, etc). And if that mean sucking up to Republican lawmakers, they will do it. That is what is so amazing about this video, they had four Republicans right where they needed them. They had to answer questions without pointing fingers at the Democratic boogeymen. Instead, they threw one softball after another. I have often blamed the mainstream media for the shape our country is in, they have sold their souls to advertising and no longer hold politicians accountable. Remember when people bought newspaper’s for the ‘NEWS’? Me neither.

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