South DaCola

Argus Endorser’s ED Board doesn’t endorse Jamison’s plan

While this doesn’t surprise me, it is clear that the AL ED board has become a lap dog for the Mayor’s agenda and anything ‘Events Center’;

Jamison, who increasingly is positioning himself as the loyal opposition to Mayor Mike Huether’s agenda, has found the oddest time to propose that Sioux Falls build a downtown convention center and recreation center at the current Sioux Falls Convention Center, and remodel the Sioux Falls Arena.

Jamison is not the only one who opposes Huether’s agenda, you also have councilors Erpenbach and Brown, this blog, and several citizens who have had it with the Events Center talk.

The proposal comes just when Huether’s leadership on the events center is beginning to gel.

In what ways is it gelling? We still don’t have 1) a funding source 2) an election date. Give me those two things, then we can start talking about gelling.

. . . having too many plans breeds confusion, serving only to harm all efforts.

The only one confusing voters is YOUR NEWSPAPER with idiotic editorials like this one. The fact remains, there is already a plan in place to remodel the Arena after a EC is built, why not do that on the front end to give us more time to plan the EC right? Oh, because that would make sense.

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