South DaCola

Could have seen this coming a mile away

Article: CNN

The state department has been warning us against this kind of violence from extremist political groups, and everyone just turned the other way. While people stand around wondering how this could happen, I remember a line from the Rolling Stone’s song, Sympathy for the Devil,

“I shouted out, Who killed the Kennedys? When after all It was you and me”

What will come of this? My prediction is that the government will have a typical knee-jerk reaction in which they will target any political group with a Facebook page or Blog, which is unfortunate.

We can solve this problem in a couple of hours. Get a patty wagon and go pickup Rush, Beck, Coulter, Palin, The Koch brothers, Dick Cheney and Malkin and throw them in a rubber room somewhere, and throw away the key. Oh, and shut down FOX News.


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