South DaCola

Gov’nor Doogard wants citizens to live in a van down by the river . . .


Ellis’ editorial column was fantastic this week;

“The second night,” he said, “we borrowed my dad’s van, and we drove to Minneapolis. We didn’t have the money for another motel night, so we slept in the van. And it wasn’t one of those camper vans either. So I’ve lived frugally as a matter of necessity. So I see things that can be done in some areas where people think, ‘Oh, it can’t be done,’ just because they’ve never had to do it. So I don’t deny I’m a fiscal conservative, and I think it’s something South Dakota needs right now.”

Yet, his cabinet is staying at the Plaza. It’s funny how Rounds and now Doogard wants us all to eat dog food while they eat Filet.

I challenge Doogard to work for a reduced salary, or better yet, for FREE. Many politicians from Alexander Hamilton to even NY’s Mayor Bloomberg have sacrificed pay for the betterment of society. Apparently, Dennis wants us to sacrifice instead, while he expands his office.

Typical of the SD GOP.

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