So what do you think he will list as ‘City government’s accomplishments’?

SIOUX FALLS, SD – Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether will announce Thursday what he considers to be the top ten accomplishments for city government during 2010.

Huether says he wants to reflect on the achievements of the 1,100 city employees.  In addition to the top 10 accomplishments, each department will also be recognized for its own top five accomplishments of the year.

The list will be released at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall Commission Room.

This outta be good. Let’s start our own list.

By l3wis

16 thoughts on “Huether to pat himself, uh I mean, city government on the back today”
  1. 1. Saving the city from a Stagger’s administration
    2. Firing Shawn Tornow (This should actually appear)
    3. Having more perfect hair then Vernon Brown
    4. Finally making Covell lake an ‘actual’ cesspool instead of just a referred one
    5. Fixing sewer pipes and streets, wait, the city does that every year, nevermind
    6. Controlling the media
    7. Helping Whisk and Chop to sell more crappy coffee
    8. Bringing back the Bruce Lee style of public speaking
    9. Blaming bloggers for everything, because, like people really care about bloggers
    10. Proving that in SF, you can still buy an election.

  2. Most department’s list will look the same:

    1. Agreeded with the Mayor
    2. Kept our Jobs
    3. Did more with less
    4. Kept mouth shut
    5. Did we mention we agreeded with the Mayor?

    BTW…is that GW Bush in the photo checking out the baller’s tramp stamp?

  3. Can’t think of any accomplishments just lots of mistakes.

    1. Denying citizens due process
    2. Obstructing 5 constritutional court cases
    3. Appointing Smith to park cars
    4. Deciding an events center without a public vote, location, bids, money, or a budget
    7. Ignoring council votes and telling them to show up but shut up
    8. Sending citizens and council the message by gifting ‘millionaire books’ purchased with taxpayer dollars
    9. Winning the election then immediately going on vacation and paying himself a huge bonus
    10. Exemplifying that Home Rule Charter violates SD civil procedures and the US constitution
    11. Defeating his competitor with unjustified and unsubstantiated tactics with the only repercussion being a harmless censure.
    12. Firing Tornow. He’s no longer council and becomes the principal witness against the city in court.

  4. 10. Thinks ramping up code enforcement is a good idea

    9. Economic development. Huh? 2010 was one of the slowest growth periods in SF in probably the city’s history.

    8. Tackling tough issues. All of the issues listed have not been solved yet.

    7. Sewer pipe collapse, averting major crisis. I’ll give him that one, but Munson should have has his ass in that hole fixing a sewer system that he neglected.

    6. Events Center (LOL!) How did I know this would make the list. Let me say this again, Mike, when the citizens vote and approve this in the ballot box, then you can it in the ‘Win’ category.

    5. Improved communication and transparency? Like showing up to harass producers and editors at their places of business when they don’t get your line of bullshit correct?

    4. Fixing infrastructure. This isn’t a WIN, this should be your #1 priority every year, every day, it’s your JOB, not an achievement.

    3. Roads. (See above)

    2. Embracing Business acumen. No, Mike, you are the only one embracing that ideology. Government doesn’t work like capitalistic private industry. Get over it already.

    1. (get out your barf bags) Great value for our tax dollars. Um, okay. So I pay the same in taxes yet get less in services.

  5. Get used to Mike’s dubious accomplishment lists ladies and gentlemen because I guarantee it will be an annual event. Mike’s feeding his ego when he should be feeding his soul.

  6. I can’t believe that he called a press conference to give himself a blowjob like this…and that our stupid local media treats it like a real story.

  7. It’s like he thinks he still works in the corporate world, they do these kind of stupid ‘moral building’ meetings all the time.

  8. #7 & #8 are spot on.
    Huether (himself) said the city should be run like private business. That’s a CEO type mayor who makes to much, never shows a profit but pays himself bonuses, steals from stockholders, and lies via pyramid schemes. Madoff went to jail but the mayor gets immunity via public office executive privelege.

  9. “I just can’t read that site.”

    Yeah, she is all over the map, but some times she gives a little insight, but most of the time, she is just blabbin’

  10. She spends 1000 words to get up to one measly obvious, MOR insight. She wants to be seen as hard-hitting, but at the same time doesn’t want to rock the boat.

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