6 Thoughts on “Ink Boutique – Tattoos by Hope

  1. Very nice! There is something special about a “Mom” on some guys arm, a “SoCal” on his chest or a big flaming flower on a girls throat.

  2. Ah Yeah!

  3. Daizi46 on January 26, 2011 at 11:26 am said:

    will be getting inked by her within the next month or two…

  4. Do you have other tatts by Hope?

  5. hope happeny- woodruff on February 7, 2011 at 3:34 pm said:

    thanks for adding my flyer to your website scott! I love my new studio at Sola Salon where i hope to do more cosmetics along with the custom tattoos! I have more time for my clients being in my own tattoo studio. You could say its a more personal atmosphere.

  6. Daizi46 on February 23, 2012 at 3:00 pm said:

    BTW…Hope is in Michigan I believe tatting at a Convention!!

    I have two tatts by her right now and probably at least two more in the coming year…

    She is VERY talented and creative. Both of my tatt’s were free hand drawn based on my ideas and I absolutely love both of them!

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