South DaCola

Is Mark Millage running for Litz’s council seat; Most likely, yes.

From my email box today, when I asked Mark if he was running;

Most likely, yes. I’ve lived in SF for 47 years, lived in the NW district for 27 years and have driven the district from one end to the other five days a week forever. I have a passion for helping people who can’t always help themself. It’s why I volunteer and have served on the boards of The Banquet, Red Cross, Volunteers of America, Make A Wish, Multi-Cultural Center and others. It sounds corny, but that’s why I chose journalism over engineering in college … a chance to do something that I enjoy and make a difference in my community. It’s why I left KELO after 25 years in 2008 to become President at Kilian Community College. And the beauty of my current job, besides getting to know such an interesting cross-section of our community, is that I can pursue an opportunity like City Council. And, for the record, I was the guy (as news director) who added your blog to the KELO web site. I’m not responsible for whatever happened after that. All I can say is, keep up the good work. I enjoy your observations and sense of humor. Sorry to be so long-winded. I hope to meet you sometime.


I have told Mark I will remain neutral on the appointment, unless some dream candidate drops from the sky.

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