I don’t know, on one hand, I guess it is one of those things people like to bitch about, like pot holes, but on the other hand, it is important. Has snow removal in SF ever been to everyone’s satisfaction? Probably not. But I have noticed it isn’t up to par this year, as MARICARROL KUETER from the Argus Endorser points out (read the entire ED column here);

Those of us who choose to live in snowy places are accustomed to following the established rules of winter. We shovel our sidewalks within 48 hours. We clear the entry to the mailboxes within an arm’s length of the little postal vehicle, and we never park on emergency routes – especially when 2 or more inches of snow has fallen.

In other words, we do our part. In return, is it wrong to seek a little transparency in our snow-removal process?

That’s all I’m really asking.

I would agree. Funny how the city expects us to follow the same rules they break. Reminds me of the the pig who ran a stop sign on a side street the other day. No sirens blaring. No lights flashing. Good thing he didn’t run me over.

3 Thoughts on “Is snow removal not as good as it has been in the past?

  1. Pathloss on January 17, 2011 at 8:16 am said:

    On the southeast side I’d say snow removal is good to fair. Neighboring cities and rural areas take a long time. Comparison wise, Sioux Falls is acceptable. I’m very surprised given how Huether has been cutting here and there to make an events center seem possible.

  2. I think they had some complaints on that weird snowfall we had last week where it was a few inches that slowly fell in a 2-day period.

  3. The tire jolting finally ended in the front end of my car after I had to blast thru a 2 foot windrow to get on a main road. I can understand them not plowing back streets until the snow event has ended, that is fine, BUT what is the point of plowing the main roads if you are not going to clean the coinciding intersections. They have 3 plows come by, why can’t the third clean out the intersection?

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