South DaCola

Want to learn more about the immigration debate?

The ACLU of South Dakota will be sponsoring a free showing of the award-winning film, 9500 Liberty, which follows Prince William County, VA residents as they adopted and later reversed an immigration policy that increased previously declining crime rates, forced small businesses to close, and divided neighborhoods with a climate of fear, distrust, and suspicion.

Several South Dakota state legislators have threatened to introduce a similar immigration bill here in South Dakota this legislative session. Before our state adopts a similar law that could cost the state hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement and defend in court, come hear firsthand the harms to community unity and financial costs of immigration policies to small American communities.

When: Thursday, January 20th– 6:30pm

Where: Main Library, 200 N Dakota Ave, Sioux Falls

*Film is presented in English with Spanish subtitles.

After: There will be an update on the expected legislation, information about how to contact your legislators, and a presentation of the projected financial costs of an immigration bill to South Dakota.

Please pass along this email to anyone else you feel may be interested in learning more about this legislation. We need a large group of individuals contacting their legislators if we want to prevent an AZ immigration bill in South Dakota!

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