6 Thoughts on “Your money put to good use

  1. I could care less if this guy got a hooker, but you would think he would be smart enough to go to Vegas where it is legal. Of course, this is the same clown that brings washed up 80’s rockers to town, that should sum it up.


  2. Bwahahahahahahaahah! Best story ever!

  3. anominous on January 16, 2011 at 11:07 am said:


  4. Costner on January 16, 2011 at 3:47 pm said:

    I could care less if he wanted a hooker anywhere… I’ve never understood why that is illegal in the first place.

    Truth be told, I’m more disturbed by his payday loan center operation. Now THAT is something that should be illegal.

    Predatory lending which has been proven to increase societal costs: legal

    Two consenting adults exchanging a service for money: illegal

    Makes sense right?

  5. this part of the story was in the AP version, that the local media either didn’t see or decided not to report.

    “In September, the Federal Election Commission cleared Brennan of allegations of improperly contributing money to the 2008 campaign of then-Rep. Jon Porter, R-Nev.”

    here is a link to the documents


  6. The RCJ reported that, they also talked about all the charities he gave to. I call it the Janklow complex. It’s okay to be an asshole and do bad things once in awhile, as long as you do good things to.

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