Rep. Hal Wick (District 12): a co-sponsor of HB 1237, mandating that all South Dakotans be required to own a gun.

Sen. Deb Peters (District 9): a ridiculous vendetta against small schools

Rep. Brian Liss (District 13): “taxing food prevents obesity

Rep. Manny Steele (District 12): main sponsor of Arizona-style immigration legislation

Rep. Jenna Haggar (District 15): “Only Sen. Phyllis Heineman, R-Sioux Falls, and Rep. Jenna Haggar, I-Sioux Falls, aligned with Tornow, and Heineman simply said that a $127 million structural deficit was not sustainable and that eliminating it would require “tough sacrifice from everybody.” Haggar said only that legislators must focus on the future of schools and not a one-year budget problem. – Huh?

Rep. Lora Hubbel (District 11): “The voters don’t care about the same things (the local media) care about…. They don’t care about school budgets.”

Rep. Steve Hickey (District 9) and Rep. Roger Hunt (District 10) co-sponsor a bill outlawing surrogacy in South Dakota.

Sen. Craig Tieszen (District 34)

15 Thoughts on “2011 SD Legislative Wall of Shame (H/T – Ben Birks)

  1. Angry Guy on February 15, 2011 at 12:48 pm said:

    Dude… HB 1171. LMFAO!

  2. And people accuse me of taking drugs.

  3. Wow! And yet some people wonder why others call South Dakota the “the Mississippi of the North.”

  4. Angry Guy on February 15, 2011 at 3:17 pm said:

    it reminds me of something South Park did years ago..

  5. SoDak made the CBS radio network news and Lawrence O’Donnell’s show. And it wasn’t a pretty picture on come visit SoDak where women have no rights.

  6. Why should surrogacy be the government’s business? It’s just another example of politicians talking out of both sides of their mouth. 1. They say they want smaller government. 2. They want larger government by invading our bedrooms and personnal business.

  7. It would appear that smaller government is happening in a woman’s body.
    Rachel Maddow talked about SD and Kansas tonight, I would hope the governors would be flooded with emails.

  8. Rachel Maddow sucks.

  9. Costner on February 16, 2011 at 7:37 am said:

    Actually Mike she is a lesbian… so I don’t think she does. Just sayin’.

    The one bill which really stands out is the one that just passed committee which basically says it is ok to kill abortion providers because it is justifiable homicide. Nine Republicans thought that was a good bill and decided to reach the floor for a vote I guess.

    Thanks GOP for setting us back another 30 years.

  10. We want smaller government!
    Except for women’s reproductive rights – we need a gumment official right in the doctor’s office between a woman and her doctor…
    Except for smokers – we need a cop in every bar…
    Except for guns – the gumment should make sure we all have guns…
    Except for when it comes to the illegals – we need to search every home to make sure there ain’t no fuckin illegals…
    Except for searchin us at the airport – oh, and sobriety check points – oh and just about anywhere else cause of the Patriot Act that Kristi just voted for…
    And phone taps – we need those…
    And business records – Patriot Act says the gumment can look at those whenever they feel like it – without a warrant…


  11. Costner- Your being inflammatory there. The bill makes it just fine to kill someone in defense of yourself or family. If someone is threatening to injure your pregnant wife it would be fine to kill that person. No need to get wound up about misunderstanding something.

    As I understand it the whole surrogate thing came about because of an actual legal problem. A bit of a small issue but just the same it deals with treating a human born to someone that shares no genetic link with the surrogate vs the genetic material donors, who would seem to have every right of ownership.

    I do agree wholly though, make your damn mind up; small govt or big govt just stop talking out both ends.

  12. Oliver Klosov on February 16, 2011 at 8:06 pm said:

    Do you think all three of the people watching Rachel and Larry were pissed off at SD?

  13. I’m wondering if there is something in the Chili in Pierre. Maybe AG Jackboots can personally test it.

  14. Costner on February 17, 2011 at 1:14 pm said:

    Jim: “Costner- Your being inflammatory there. The bill makes it just fine to kill someone in defense of yourself or family. If someone is threatening to injure your pregnant wife it would be fine to kill that person. No need to get wound up about misunderstanding something.”

    Misunderstanding my ass. Read the laundry list of people who were behind this bill and you will find the majority of them are strong anti-abortion groups or anti-abortion legislators including the author, prime sponsor, and co-sponsors. Their goal is to chip away at the ability to get an abortion in any way possible and since they have failed at making it illegal outright, they just are coming up with new and more creative ways of preventing them from happening via crazy laws and scare tactics. This bill is yet another way to do it.

    Frankly I’m a pro-life guy myself (at least I lean that way) but this bill is crazy. It says people can kill someone in defense of your family including a fetus. That seems great until some anti-abortion “crusader” sends his pregnant wife in to Planned Parenthood to be scheduled for an abortion, and as soon as the doctor puts a gown on the guys busts in and shoots him.

    Hey – the doctor was going to harm his family right? Totally justifiable I guess. If nothing else this “crusador” would likely end up with a lengthy televised court case which would bring every nutjob (both pro-choice and pro-life) out of the woodwork and put them at 41st and Sertoma.

    The bill is a travesty and the authors know it. They could have written in an exception for abortion providers to ensure that was clear and to prevent a flood of nutjobs entering our state to start killing people associated with abortions, but they didn’t. The language in the bill is just vauge enough to be dangerous. Now they just make excuses that “people are interpreting the bill incorrectly”. Great – that will make a fun defense in a murder case…. “well I interpreted the bill to suggest I could kill abortion providers because the legislature didn’t make it clear enough”.

    Give me a break. It is a law designed around abortion plain and simple – and it is sad that it even made it out of committee, and even worse that every Republican on that committee thought it was a bill worthy of moving on.

  15. Costner on February 17, 2011 at 1:19 pm said:

    I no sooner hit submit and I see this headline (originated from the NYT): South Dakota Shelves Bill Aimed at Defending Unborn

    Gotta love this quote: “The House speaker, Val Rausch, said that the legislation had been shelved, pending a decision on whether to allow a vote, amend the language or drop it entirely. A spokesman for Gov. Dennis Daugaard said, “Clearly the bill as it’s currently written is a very bad idea.””


    We aren’t out of the woods yet though… they can always bring it back with small changes.

    Just goes to show you can elect an idiot to Pierre but you can’t make them think.

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