South DaCola

2011 SD Legislative Wall of Shame (H/T – Ben Birks)

Rep. Hal Wick (District 12): a co-sponsor of HB 1237, mandating that all South Dakotans be required to own a gun.

Sen. Deb Peters (District 9): a ridiculous vendetta against small schools

Rep. Brian Liss (District 13): “taxing food prevents obesity

Rep. Manny Steele (District 12): main sponsor of Arizona-style immigration legislation

Rep. Jenna Haggar (District 15): “Only Sen. Phyllis Heineman, R-Sioux Falls, and Rep. Jenna Haggar, I-Sioux Falls, aligned with Tornow, and Heineman simply said that a $127 million structural deficit was not sustainable and that eliminating it would require “tough sacrifice from everybody.” Haggar said only that legislators must focus on the future of schools and not a one-year budget problem. – Huh?

Rep. Lora Hubbel (District 11): “The voters don’t care about the same things (the local media) care about…. They don’t care about school budgets.”

Rep. Steve Hickey (District 9) and Rep. Roger Hunt (District 10) co-sponsor a bill outlawing surrogacy in South Dakota.

Sen. Craig Tieszen (District 34)

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