South DaCola

Detroit Lewis makes a rare appearance at the city council meeting

Actually, believe it or not, I have not addressed the new council and mayor yet, and to tell you the truth, I didn’t think I would last night, but after hearing Mr. Stenga (another citizen) speak I felt compelled. But before I got up and spoke some interesting things happened.

I walked in as the meeting was just getting started, so I sat in the back row, where some old dude was standing taking pictures, I got a grin from Litz and Jamison and a worried look from Brown (as usual). Before public input, they do their normal dog and pony show where they hand out awards, magic 8-balls and candy.

One crystal statue went to Bob Litz, it was his last night on the council, then he got a standing ovation. I think besides the guy in the wheelchair, I was the only other person not standing and clapping. So while this is going on, I notice the old dude next to me is taking pictures like crazy, like his son was Bob Litz or something, so I looked at him closely, and he gave me this mean frown, in which I figured out who he was, and I just started chuckling to myself (and kinda laughing in his face). It was no other then my BFF, Joel Rosenthal (I think). He must have ran Litz’s county auditor campaign? Who knows, who cares. And people say I’m the grumpy angry one, you need to smile more Joel.

Anyhoo, enough ranting, I spoke about how the public has yet to vote on the Events Center (starts at 17:30) I would like to thank councilors Jamison and Erpenbach for their reassuring smiles during my rant. I appreciated it.

Oh, BTW, good luck Bob.

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