South DaCola

Is this our state legislature?

They are actually pushing a bill through that makes sense;

PIERRE, SD – The South Dakota House has approved a measure that would boost annual registration fees for cars and trucks to provide an extra $30 million a year to help counties and townships take care of their roads and bridges.

Representatives voted 53-13 on Wednesday to send the measure to the Senate for further debate. The bill would raise registration fees in two stages. The increase this year would raise an extra $18 million a year, and the second stage in 2013 would raise an additional $12 million annually.

The bill also reduces the number of vehicles eligible to get a discount on the annual registration fee. The discount now goes to vehicles at least five years old. The bill would give that discount only to vehicles at least 10 years old.

I have often thought that our vehicle registration fees could be higher, but I think they also need to be more fair. I think you should pay a higher fee based on (real) weight, gas mileage and usage. Maybe they will figure that out one of these days, but this is a good first step.

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