Ritual in the Afternoon

An open notebook

A bite of dark chocolate

A sip of Tuaca

Then a swallow of water

Chased with coffee

The  One  Wanted,  Missed

She looked for the one

in her dreams

for a long time

This one came home

but it was wrong

Her mind frozen long ago

Charles Luden • 2-9-11 • at Champps

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Poetry Club w/ Charles Luden”
  1. I found myself



    questioning why

    oh lord why

    does any one

    sane or


    hang out

    at Champps

    then it hit me

    like a brick, see

    it must be


    the extra p

  2. Sy – Chuck and I used to hit Chammps every Friday afterwork when Jerry still owned it, good times. I used to eat the ‘Alex’ the best fucking salad ever made!

    Charles is one of my cherished friends. I often ponder how much different my life would be if I did not know him.

  3. I’m not a big fan of Champs. It kind of does everything ok. Nothing great.

    I do like Tuaca bombs though.

  4. Snapper, agreed. When Jerry (old owner) sold it, the place went in the shitter and I have never been back.

  5. Jerry was a tightwad ego-maniacal tyrant. I hear his brother, Blackie, that took over the biz was even worse. Champps sets the bar for mediocrity in a city inundated with shitty chain restaurants.

  6. “Champps sets the bar for mediocrity”

    You nailed it. I’m amazed they have been able to keep their doors open.

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