South DaCola

SF Library director asked to ‘retire early’ by the mayor

Image by Indiefox

I did find her sudden retirement strange. Sally Felix had only worked for the city for 8 years, and it seemed to me, she still had a lot she wanted to accomplish. I don’t really have an opinion about Sally, good or bad, but I will say that our libraries are very nice and well attended to. Not sure why arrogant A-Hole Huether fired her, but Holsen lets us in one some background info (you also have to take into account that Jen’s commentary is a bit slanted, she fed at the same trough as Felix did – but it is a good read). This part is interesting;

Mayor Huether questioned the need for libraries in general, noting that research can be done using Google and consumers can buy e-readers.  He equated library services as only reaching out to the homeless and the poor.  As ill-conceived as that may be, let’s go down that road a minute and ponder the logic of supporting the purchase of a security system to lock the homeless up but questioning the worth of a system that can teach them to read.

LMAO! I sent an email two weeks ago to a councilor about this very topic. I said,

“So who are we protecting homeless alcoholics from with a $100,000 security system?”

Their friends? Or themselves? Councilor Jamison was the only councilor to vote against the expenditure (Entenman was not present).

While I don’t know the ins and outs of the whole Felix situation, I will give props to Jen for bringing this to light, looks like Detroit has some competition. Will the local media pick this up?

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