Attorney of Law in Brandon, rodeo clown in Pierre

I have held my tongue about the legislative session this year, not because I’m not infuriated about the idiotic legislation that is proposed, but because I have come to expect our legislature to ignore the elephant in the room (the budget) and focus on lunacy. This of course should come as no surprise, the GOP is in control, big time, and they love social wedge issues,

“The big gorilla is the budget cuts,” said William Richardson, a political science professor at the University of South Dakota. “You are not going to get any of your favorite programs funded, so what else is there to which one can attach one’s name and be reasonably assured of getting some notice and reform that appeals to your constituents?”

Finally, someone from the AL writes a story about the circus;

‘There were some extremists elected’

That theory makes sense to former longtime legislator Dave Knudson, a Sioux Falls Republican who served as Senate majority leader from 2007 to 2010.

“I think there were some extremists elected in November. That they would come in with agenda-driven bills is not surprising,” Knudson said.

Just like I said above, no shockers here. Same shit, different day.

In these kinds of cases, legislation proposals simply are mirroring national themes, according to Knudson, Fry and others.

“I think that is clearly true,” Knudson said. “People go to conferences and pick these ideas up and want to run with them.”

This bothers me the most. I could care less what your ‘Save the Whales’ issue is, I just wish our legislature was more creative, something I have often argued, liberal progressives have an edge on. Of course these are the same people who think the world is 6,000 years old, so go figure.

Former legislator Scott Heidepriem said that an overwhelming Republican dominance of the Legislature this year also is a factor.

“Republicans are free to entertain all kinds of odd conversations and unfortunate nonsense,” said Heidepriem, a Sioux Falls Democrat who served as Senate minority leader from 2007 to 2010. “It makes South Dakota look bad. But they do it when they are in complete control.

Odd conversations? More like bloody fucking absurd (but I’m sure the AL wouldn’t print that, or they would have to give you a $25 parking ticket 🙂

Heidepriem said that the state constitution does not direct legislators to entertain social issues. “It does say give kids an adequate education and have an adequate infrastructure.”

But, Scooter, that stuff is a yawn. Who wants to talk about bridges, roads and books, when we can talk about killing abortion doctors, denying married couples to have children, beaners, and shootin’ up things?

“Most legislative leaders figure if somebody is elected, they have earned the right to present issues they think are important to their constituents,” said House Minority Leader Bernie Hunhoff, D-Yankton.

ERRRRR, Wrong! While social issues are important, they should not overshadow a basic function of a democracy, using tax dollars to provide citizens services. It’s not about writing foolish laws, it’s about protecting and serving the public.

“It takes a toll on civility – the gun thing, the pro-life thing. They create an emotionally charged energy that divides people when they need to be brought together,” especially to deal with the overwhelming budget issues, Hunhoff said.

Gotta love ‘group hug’ Bernie. It’s too bad he is not a Republican, he could probably be our governor now. But in all seriousness, Bernie is right. We are in really dire straits, and it’s not about guns, babies or immigrants, it’s about the budget. Just like in Wisconsin, where the gov wants to cut government services to hand out more corporate refunds and tax breaks, SD is in the same boat. Why are we not talking about this? Why are we not in the streets of Pierre protesting (which would require five-buckle overboots, or waders for that matter)?

Because SD voters are thick. Thick in the skull.

16 Thoughts on “State Legislature GOP Majority; Freaks, Geeks and Weirdos

  1. I agree with you that SD voters are thick in the skull, they keep electing the same people over and over, and if not the same people they elect clones of the previous people.

  2. By any definition the SD legislature and its legislators over the past 6 years, is incompetent. They are unable to balance the budget aside from federal funds and federal bailouts. That is their imperative task. They systemically fail.

    When one has a systemic structural deficit – be it fiscal or in dysfunction — rational people respond by changing the structure. It’s long past time to jettison the worthless SD 2 house legislature for a 1 house, 49 member unicameral. It would save millions while being more efficient. I’ll save my breath to see whether it would be more effective – but note that Nebraska provides legislative representation to more than 1 million more citizens than has SD with a unicameral.

  3. Truthinator on February 21, 2011 at 8:26 am said:

    As long as the SD legislature is populated with such idiots, it won’t make a difference. The system isn’t the problem. The idiotic legislatures are…

  4. As long as SD’ns vote based on attitudes, philosophies and emotion, vs. knowledge, skills and abilities, we will have an idiotic legislature.

  5. anominous on February 21, 2011 at 1:24 pm said:

    They will vote any way you want if you buy them pork sandwiches for lunch.

  6. Pork Ribs! Get it straight.

  7. As long as Americans vote based on attitudes, philosophies and emotion, vs. knowledge, skills and abilities, we will have an idiotic legislature.

    There fixed it for ya.

  8. You are right. Tonight I waited on a family that was out for dinner, because their son was leaving for Afghanistan in the morning. The young soldier was very modest about it, and you could tell, a little taken back by his mother and father barking about it. But it gets better, he ordered a beer and and they went on about how it should be FREE, then they talked about how he is fighting for my freedom, my freedom to work at my job. Trust me, my lip is still bleeding from biting it. I said nothing, and comped his beer, I also gave him a free dessert, and said in his ear, “Thank you for your service.”

    These people are typical of the gun toting South Dakotans, they think the f’ing world owes them something because their son is fighting in a foreign country to ‘Protect my freedom’ He knows as well as I do that is complete bullshit, he also knows that the military is volunteer.

    I become a stronger pacifist every day.

  9. No one in Afghanistan is “fighting for my freedom” or to support and defend the constitution (aside from the enlisted oath part of obeying the orders of the president). We passed the “fighting for our freedom” mantra after the first 6 months in Afghanistan. Since then it’s been about supporting the military-industrial complex.

    Tunisia showed us that a cell phone, tweet, and facebook are better tools to overthrow corrupt governments than all the huffing, puffing, and kinetic energy from the military-industrial complex. (Also in my experience folks with the most boasting are furthest from the shooting.)

  10. Truthinator: bud, the system is part of the problem. The present system wastes millions with no results. Current legislators publicity is muted by the crowd when they go stupid. Fewer legislators would make the doofuses more exposed, and thus, more accountable – while saving millions.

  11. Nothing is impossible. Identify the tyrants and call them into the street. Until enough Democrats convince marginized voters that being angry is OK.

    East River is going to be experiencing massive flooding events this Spring because entrenched Republicans have ransacked South Dakota of its will and hope.

    Get pissed off or die.

  12. “being angry is OK.”

    Damn right. That’s why I do this blog. Think I’m here because I think everything is well and good in candyland?

  13. sorry, in helena yesterday, a dem state senator and vietnam vet tried to add ptsd to the state’s mm law and got shot down.

    just venting.

  14. Yeah, South Dakotans are all patriotic and shit, until it comes to taking care of their vets – which isn’t entirely true, The Vet hospital in SF is ranked one of the best in the nation.

  15. No one is fighting for my rights, in fact Roger Hunt and the other pinheads are fighting to take away my rights.

  16. Legislating morality as usual.

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