Not sure if anyone watched the public forum at the University Center that the AL put on the other day, but it’s a hoot. Especially when Public Works director Galen Huber says he doesn’t want to make any conclusions about snowgates until they collect all the data from the season, but then shit talks them the entire time, claiming they narrow streets (even though every street in SF gets narrower during the winter, especially in the older neighborhoods where a lot of people park on both sides). What I have often wondered is why these forums are not very well attended (besides the fact that the AL is putting them on) it may have to do with the parking situation as this South DaCola foot soldier explained to me in an email;

I’m e-mailing you my “public forum/parking ticket experience”.

I attended the Argus Leader’s public forum on roads last Thursday at University Center.  When I arrived the visitor’s lot was full, so I parked out in one of the far lots.

Much to my dismay, I rec’d a $25 parking ticket!

I stopped in at the Argus office the next day, thinking that they would be willing to give the University Center a call to explain that I had been there attending the public forum.  First the receptionist called MariCarol (Editor) her response was that she had also gotten a ticket. I told the receptionist that I wanted to talk to her, but when she called her back she was suddenly unavailable. Randall Beck (Publisher) and Yvonne Hawkins (Queen of Community convos) were also at the forum, so I asked to speak to Randall – he would not talk to me either.  I don’t know if he also got a ticket, but I was right behind him when he walked out and he was parked in a faculty spot. So, I asked to speak to Yvonne, she came out, I explained the situation and told her that I did not expect the Argus to pay the ticket, but that I would like them to give the University Center a call.  She told me,

“We don’t do that kind of thing, this is your personal issue, you’re going to have to take care of it on your own.”

I was PO’d  I drove out to the Center and once I explained the situation they voided the ticket and apologized.

So much for public forums!

This comes as no surprise to me. They ask the public to attend, but do they really want them there since they ask most of the questions? I only heard questions from two attendees. One guy wondered if he could get permission to fill potholes on his street, since the city isn’t getting around to it. And another lady cornered Huber about the time allotted to clean the streets (48 Hours) but it has only been taking them 36 hours, in other words, what’s all the hub bub about snowgates taking longer?

13 Thoughts on “The cost of attending an Argue Endorser public forum; $25

  1. Public forums, at least those involving anything city related, are a joke. Have you seen the Feb. 12th Listening and Learning Indoctrination at Hy-Vee? One guy cornered the good mayor with a couple of good questions concerning our McArena. The guy wanted to know who would build a restaurant DT for a larger audience when the McArena might only sellout a dozen times a year. LMFAO. A dozen times? Sellouts? Give me f’in break. Then the good mayor says restaurants, bars, and hotels would build bigger and better also based on that expectation.

    First of all, no way in hell will a McArena do the business they say it will. Truth be told, the difference between what the arena attracts now in numbers, and what a McArena will draw will be marginal, but as Sy will soon proclaim, economic impact will run in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Built it, and they will come. Yeah right. Build it, and the Sioux Falls and Sioux City McArena’s will both die a slow death because this area can’t support two of these white elephants.

  2. Speaking of the Argus, thought you might enjoy this mornings headliner in the Argus web page.

    Argus 911:

    Parts of I-90, I-29 closed

    5 minutes ago

    Interstate 90 is closed this morning from Sioux Falls to the North Dakota border, and I-29 is closed between Chamberlain and Wall.

  3. Angry Guy on February 21, 2011 at 8:06 am said:

    don’t crowd the plow.

  4. as long as the argus keeps me updated on the spill canvas i am happy.

  5. This adds to my continuous hatred of all the media in this city.

  6. anominous on February 21, 2011 at 1:27 pm said:

    Yeah, what’s new with the Spill Canvas?

  7. AG – Thanks for the reminder.

    I would like to thank the officer who blocked traffic while I waited to get towed out. I would also like to thank the guy for the tow rope and pulling me out.

    And I would like to put a big FUCK YOU out to the snowplow operator who ran me off the road in a sudden lane change, and and even bigger FUCK YOU to the SOB 3rd plow operator who came by and buried me more.

    After that, I have come to the conclusion that snow gates do work, it’s just that our f’ing boneheaded plow operators are too stupid to figure them out.

  8. Poly

    “Truth be told, the difference between what the arena attracts now in numbers, and what a McArena will draw will be marginal, but as Sy will soon proclaim, economic impact will run in the hundreds of millions of dollars.”

    I would, but this isn’t the right thread.

  9. Another reason, I think, that the forums are poorly attended is the fact that they are typically scheduled for four o’clock on a work day.

    That, and people frequently do not pay attention to stuff like this. Which is a scary commentary on the state of our democracy.

  10. Sy, I give you permission to say whatever in whatever thread.

  11. “Another reason, I think, that the forums are poorly attended is the fact that they are typically scheduled for four o’clock on a work day.”

    Munson used to pull that shit during his admin, I will give Mike credit for doing his L & L sessions on a Saturday.

  12. Snooki Palin on February 22, 2011 at 12:01 pm said:

    I agree with L3wis, atleast we are hearing from our man mike and his henchmen. Munson hid in city hall for 8 years.

  13. He drank a lot of Iced Tea to.

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