South DaCola

What is with Roger Hunt’s obsession with uteruses anyway?

Representative Hunt is a prime example of someone who tries to legislate morality while making South Dakotans look foolish for electing such a kook bag;

House Bill 1218 would make any verbal or written surrogacy agreement unenforceable and keep parental rights with the woman who gives birth to the child, regardless of whether she is the genetic mother. The agreements would be unenforceable whether or not there was compensation involved. The law also would establish civil penalties for the intended parents in an agreement and make it a felony for anyone who helps establish such an agreement. Doctors who knowingly assist in medical procedures related to surrogacy agreements also would face felonies.

This is no different then telling someone what sexual position they can use in their bedroom, or who they can have sex with for that matter. Maybe Roger would like to propose legislation that says it is illegal to bottle feed calves and lambs formula milk when their mother won’t or can’t feed them?

“How someone in the Legislature can determine and dictate to parents that want children how they should go about acquiring those children, I think it’s ludicrous,” she said.

Well, that’s Roger, Mr. Ludicrous. He wants to tell everyone else how to live their lives, but when it comes to money laundering that is none of our business.

Theresa Erickson, a lawyer specializing in reproduction issues and executive board member of the American Fertility Association, has been keeping tabs on Hunt’s bill.

“What South Dakota is doing is off the charts,” she said.

What do you mean? That’s the SD state legislature every day, ‘off the charts’

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