4 Thoughts on “Food and Clothes Drive for Republican Sean Duffy

  1. Helga on April 1, 2011 at 2:49 am said:

    Ya poor guy, I know we all feel his pain. $174K job with perks, wife teaches school, but that damn Wisc. gov. is going to cut her salary. 6 kids, happened by magic. Hope he can keep his day job.

  2. Ol' Timer on April 1, 2011 at 9:00 am said:

    Where is the benefit being held? I would like to donate one of my farm subsidy check.
    Rep. Noem

  3. Costner on April 1, 2011 at 9:16 am said:

    Disposable iPads…. i lol’ed.

  4. What a fool. Anyone else hear about the GOP trying to have the video yanked?

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