There were two separate articles today in the Argue Endorser with quotes from the mayor. He should turn the Listening and Learning sessions into a comedy routine.

Let’s first start with his response to blogs on the inter-web-nets, specifically, Holsen’s blog, who supported him, then didn’t support him, and now has an axe to grind, all the while feeding from the same trough as Huether;

Her thoughts on Huether have soured quickly: During the runoff election she supported him and even donated to his campaign.

Holsen said she’s always had strong opinions about issues. But in government, her job was to serve the mayor she worked for, and she kept her opinions to herself. Retirement and the glories of the Internet have set her free.

Huh? You worked for the taxpayers of this city, not a mayor. If a mayor was abusing the system, you had an obligation to tell the public. Who knows how many secrets Holsen flushed down the toilet about Munson? As for supporting Huether, no surprise there. Kermit called your ass out so many times I’m sure it started to get sore anytime you saw him in the same room. So, I’m sure it is pretty easy to complain about a guy you supported, simply because you didn’t like Kermit.

But let’s focus on Mike’s silly-talk;

“Occasionally,” he said, “I’ll get a Google alert. And when I read her stuff, half of it is kind of on base. And the other half of it is pure, made-up junk. So I don’t know who’s feeding her. I don’t know where she’s getting her information, and I don’t know why she’s doing this.”

OMG! LMFAO! I hope you get a Google alert about this statement, “You are the corniest politician I have ever heard speak!”


Holsen’s response would match mine if he were talking about me (in which he is, a little);

Anyhow, nobody is feeding her information, she insists. City employees do not provide her with material for her blog. She gets her information by reading the newspaper, watching City Council meetings and other city productions. She formulates opinions based on what she sees in public and based on her experience in government.

Do I get tips from city representatives? Yup. But trust me, I am not a junk peddler unless it has to do with my art 🙂

I formed an opinion about Mike early on, and I was spot on. Way before Staggers had him pegged. Kermit even said to me, “How did you know he was going to be in the runoff with me?”

Because people are naive, and believe what a well dressed, well groomed man tells them.


A better exchange of quotes happens between Huether and councilor Jamison;

Huether said the saved money is burning a hole in some City Council members’ pockets. “Some elected officials, their first reaction is, ‘OK, let’s spend it.’ I don’t get that. You worked hard to save it. Your first reaction shouldn’t be, ‘Let’s go spend it,’ ” Huether said.

Jamison responds;

“If we don’t have any priorities that need to be addressed, if our roads are smooth and wide enough and traffic is moving like it should, yeah, do something else with the $3.8 million. Save it,” Jamison said.

Until then, the money should be used for necessary projects, especially roads, Jamison said, something for which he found support when polling other council members.

I have never understood this whole ‘savings account’ attitude with taxpayer money. If you have enough leftover for a savings account, you are either over-taxing us or under serving us (both could be said to be true.)

But Jamison added that in a meeting last week among himself, Huether, and council members Sue Aguilar and Michelle Erpenbach, Huether “threatened me that if I did bring that up Monday, he would make sure the people of Sioux Falls knew that spending that $3.8 million right now would have a negative impact to the city,” Jamison said. “So, I guess, here we go.”

Spending money on streets and infrastructure is Negative? Is this the Day of Dead? Am I missing some party?

Huether later downplayed Jamison’s use of “threatened.”

“If that’s the way he wants to characterize it, so be it, I guess,” the mayor said.

Mike. Kinda sounds like a threat to me. And since you have most of the media sources in town by the balls, you could probably make good on that promise.

While I could care less about the pissing matches between Huether, Holsen and the council, I just find his lying appalling.

Strike up the Mariachi band!

14 Thoughts on “Huether’s Mexican Hat Dance

  1. Puhleese on March 20, 2011 at 9:28 pm said:

    Jennifer Holsen is one of the most ethical people I know. For you to imply that she “flushed secrets” for Munson or any mayor for that fact is a low blow. Do you personally know her? I highly doubt it, because if you did, you wouldn’t make such an accusation.

  2. l3wis on March 21, 2011 at 4:07 am said:

    I don’t personally know her, but do know people who have worked with her AND have heard good things and bad things.

    In some ways I find Holsen a lot like Huether. Huether worked in the CC industry his whole life, creating marketing schemes that made him and Denny very rich off the backs of poor ignorant people. I just find it hard to believe that he turned that part of himself off when he became mayor, in which he hasn’t. I see the same thing in Holsen, she worked for the city for a very long time, you can’t tell me she didn’t see something in those years that should have been brought to the attention of the taxpayers? Now all of sudden she sees all of these problems with the city AFTER she leaves?

    Pretty ironic, don’t you think?

  3. Poly43 on March 21, 2011 at 4:56 am said:

    I don’t personally know her, but do know people who have worked with her AND have heard good things and bad things.

    Strongly agree with that statement l3wis. Jennifer is doing what she prolly wished she could have for years, but knew by doing so, her job was on the line. She does not have to worry about that now. She has written some good stuff, (Huether) and some not so good. (City pension plan) I’m a union guy, don’t get me wrong, but there are holes in the city pension plan a Mack Truck could drive through, and Jennifer defends them as a God given right. Well…in that one, she is wrong.

    How do you think Holsen would feel about the good mayor if he backed a DT Events Center? I have a feeling she’d write about as kindly as her brother talks on Ask The Mayor.

  4. l3wis on March 21, 2011 at 5:00 am said:

    Like Poly says, nothing personal against Jen, I just think she is a bit hypocritical at times. But I do fully support her blogging, the more voices in the alternative media, the better. We all know the SD MSM media isn’t ‘Cutting the Mustard’ as Huether would say.

  5. Tom H. on March 21, 2011 at 7:25 am said:

    Makes me sad to see that the knee-jerk reaction with surplus money is “Roads.” Is that all the City is for? A road-building machine? Maybe a little boost to transit?

  6. So are you saying are roads are in tip-top shape, and we should just stop fixing them? You must fly around the city on a magic carpet.

  7. BTW, that is the intention of tax dollars, services to the citizens who pay taxes.

  8. i wonder what tom thinks transit busses drive on, if not pot-hole filled streets. check out the craters on the merge lane from kiwanis onto westbound 41st street sometime.

  9. Tom H. on March 21, 2011 at 12:57 pm said:

    Unfortunately, a good chunk of “road” dollars in this town go to building wide, highway-style arterials every half-mile out in the low-density fringes of town. I’m not bashing road maintenance of all kinds, obviously. I just wish more care was taken with our core before we spill out into greenfield development.

  10. The reason so much of our current tax dollars goes to the roads is because previous administrations neglected the upkeep.

  11. l3wis on March 21, 2011 at 8:00 pm said:

    Scott – you are right. Munson (or should I say his directors, who he let do whatever) ignored infrastructure during record tax collection.

  12. Paladin on March 24, 2011 at 4:22 pm said:

    l3wis & Scott

    You are both correct and because you have the answers, why don’t you both run either for Mayor or Council? Both of you can find fault with what has happened in the past AND you both may be correct, sooooooooo other than b______, what are YOU doing about it?

    It’s just a question so don’t get all bent out of shape.

  13. l3wis on March 24, 2011 at 9:22 pm said:

    What am I doing about it? I started this blog to inform the public about it, since our local media does very little. What have you done about it besides post on here anon? Give me a break. I get so tired of people like you who defend politicians because they ‘are only human’ wha, wha, wha.

  14. Paladin on April 13, 2011 at 6:36 pm said:


    Informing the public, as per your response, is only “talking” with no actual action taking place, except running off at the mouth and/or blowing smoke. Secondly, by “informing the public”, do you really think anyone gives a rat’s a____ WHAT YOU THINK. As I said previously, why not take your intellectual capacity to a higher level and actually run for an office? Do remember, however, that you will need more signatures than your immediate family, considering that some of them may not sign.

    Ah yes, I don’t really think that anyone defended the politicians. Basically, all I am saying is put your money where you mouth is and do something positive for the people that you want to inform.

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