South DaCola

Maybe unions need to get old skool on politicians?

Back in the day, Governor Walker would either be missing a finger or some knee caps. Nowadays, all the Peacenik Union members protest in the street and sing Kumbyah. While I don’t have a problem with non-violent protest, in fact I consider myself a pacifist, I often wonder when the Unions are going to wakeup and realize protesting isn’t working, in fact, behind closed doors I’m sure Walker and his corporate buddies are laughing at you.

Am I suggesting you should beat them with baseball bats? While that probably remains an option, I would say probably not the best option. Remember, right-wing extremists are the one’s who freak out and shoot people when they don’t get their way.

You need to fight fire with fire. Hire lawyers. And lots of them. Block these greedy motherfuckers every chance you can.

It amazes me how people like Walker can paint middle-class workers as ‘greedy’ because they simply want to earn a living wage, while giving tax breaks to corporate giants who don’t really ‘labor’ that hard for their money.

I guess I wouldn’t have a problem with tax breaks if the middle class was prospering to.

Time to break some knee caps or at least some wallets.

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