South DaCola

Noem complains about wasteful spending while asking for donations

Here is just a sampling;

Dear Friend,

I wanted to take a few minutes here at the airport to write you a quick note before I head back to Washington, DC for votes this week.  It has been a while since I have updated you on the work we are doing to cut wasteful spending and rein in the excessive growth in government.  We still have a lot of heavy lifting ahead of us, but due in large part to the new faces, new energy and new backbone in the U.S. House of Representatives, we have fundamentally changed the debate in Washington, DC from “how much more can we spend?” to “how much more can we cut?”  That is a huge win for families, small businesses, farmers and ranchers who are trying to make ends meet and who have grown tired of Washington’s spendthrift ways.

The comments are even funnier. I love the Republican sheep that stick behind her. Donate away fools.

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