March 2011

Sam Kooiker for Rapid City mayor

Remember Sam? He’s the bad ass who dared to question wasteful spending in city government in Rapid City, then the monkey trials began. I don’t know Sam personally, or have ever had correspondence with him, but I fully support his run for Rapid City mayor and I hope he wins. Any candidate who pledges;

Three important goals for my administration are:

Open, People-friendly Government

  • Regardless of status, all citizens and businesses will be treated fairly and consistently.
  • Post income statements for all income generating departments (enterprise funds) on the internet monthly/quarterly.
  • Institute a system of functioning checks and balances for all 11 city departmentsand the mayor’s office to prevent a repeat of the type of situation that occurred at the landfill.
  • Restore accountability in management.


Another reason why the River Greenway project amphitheater is a gigantic waste of tax dollars

First, I want to clarify something. I support upgrades along the greenway like making the bike trail more appealing along that route. But I have often thought building an amphitheater and a pedestrian bridge right in front of a private office building is questionable. Now it seems we have more hidden costs;

SIOUX FALLS, SD – The $5 million River Greenway project along the banks of the Big Sioux River in downtown Sioux Falls is digging up some hidden costs.

The River Greenway project began three months ago. It will add larger sidewalks, an amphitheater and more landscaping to make the banks of the Big Sioux more of a park than just a bike path.

And to build the walls along the water crews have to drill down to the bedrock, but that rock is not where they thought it would be.

“The bedrock elevation throughout the wall section of our project was a little bit deeper than anticipated,” River Greenway project Manager Brad Ludens said.

Kinda reminds you of another project that we did not need that went over cost, doesn’t it?

Cough . . . cough . . . Phillips to the Falls . . . cough . . . cough. How’s the growth and development going in that area? Heard they are trying to get an old folks home built there. That’ll bring in the tourists to Downtown!

If we knew for sure that the Events Center would be built next to the Cherapa place, I would be all for the pedestrian bridge, but I question this project when there is so much uncertainty. Also, as I understand it, when the $5 million was approved for the project, Mike Cooper had no idea how the money was going to be spent, I think a lot of these amenities are clearly pulled from someone’s ass.

We can beautify this part of the greenway, and we don’t need to spend $6.4 million to do it.

So just how much is Legacy Electronics going to pay workers?

UPDATE: Sources tell me that this all originated during this Listening and Learning session, if you watch closely a portion is edited out. There was a part where Huether talked about Legacy bringing $55,000 to $65,000 a year jobs. There was backlash from the governor’s office and Legacy. Something else was that Huether mentioned that Legacy was expanding in South Dakota, actually they are relocating.

There has been some ‘buzz‘ and some ‘doubts‘ about Legacy Electronics moving some of their administrative, sales and manufacturing jobs to Sioux Falls. I have heard positive and negatives from numerous people, but what I haven’t heard is the details on these ‘High paying jobs.’

California company Legacy Electronics is expanding to Sioux Falls and bringing some high-paying jobs with it, Mayor Mike Huether announced today.

“In the past, we’ve sold South Dakota as hard-working people who will work for nothing, and no taxes,” Huether said. “No more. Yes, we are hard-working people. We also deserve a living wage.”

Okay, sounds great. Even though Legacy brags about the no tax benefit;

Cost Savings

In addition to the state’s beneficial tax structure . . .

But what is that living wage Huether has promised? Well let’s look at there opportunities and career pages. Maybe there is something wrong with my computer, because I didn’t see any pay scales on those pages? Did you?

It’s time Legacy gave us a ballpark figure on what they are paying. I can’t hardly imagine what Huether thinks is a ‘living wage‘ being a former executive with First Premier. One person even told me that Mike might have gotten a head of himself on the ‘high paying  jobs‘ quote.

While I welcome the new job opportunities I am skeptical of any company moving here because they want to pay South Dakota workers a high wage.