March 2011

Gun kooks are pretty bad ass when they can threaten cops anonymously

I took a screenshot of this before the Argue Endorser takes down the comments from this story;

WOW! Threatening cops on a public forum. Real classy. And gun rights people wonder why we call them ‘Nuts’? I support 2nd Amendment rights, but for all the right reasons. Once you stop permitting citizens to have guns the only people with them are military, authorities and criminals. Gun rights are important, but some people think that we live in such a dangerous world we should be locked and loaded at all times. This isn’t Kandahar, Afghanistan folks, this is podunck, South Dakota where most people use guns on critters. I haven’t met one single police officer who says they are itching to pop someone off, in fact, most would like to avoid the use of firearms at all costs. Do I think there are some police who abuse their power, sure, but I have never experienced them threatening me with a firearm.

I think representative Hunhoff said it best;

“It’s a brilliant marketing technique,” said Bernie Hunhoff, a Democratic state representative from Yankton. “(Obama) has not made any move to regulate gun ownership. That’s something that’s been pushed by Glenn Beck and G. Gordon Liddy.”

and Ben Nesselhuf adds;

The concern about gun control is more about political fundraising for pro-gun groups such as the National Rifle Association than political reality, Nesselhuf said.

“That’s how they make their money – by scaring people into worrying about things that aren’t going to happen,” Nesselhuf said.

If Democrats are so concerned about guns and violence why do they continue to vote for funding of the wars in the middle east. Here’s the deal, nobody is taking your guns away. Get over it.

Frank Kloucek proves something I have known a long time about the SD GOP


This article in the Mitchell Daily Republic proves it;

He ended by inviting the dozens of people in the audience to his annual post-dinner gathering at the local truck stop, where he was offering pie and ice cream. In keeping with the draconian budget cuts by Republicans, he said, he would only allow his guests one of the goodies, and not both.

Every time Kloucek rattled off a zinger like that, the five Republicans seated to his right remained stonefaced, even as most of the audience laughed.

They don’t laugh, because Frank breaks down the hypocrisy of the SD GOP, and it’s many facets;

I know many political people in South Dakota who are at a loss to explain how Kloucek keeps getting elected. They see him as too plainspoken, too common, too “provincial,” to borrow a word they might use.

What they fail to see is that many voters admire exactly those kinds of qualities. That was evident last week at the legislative dinner when, in a room full of voters, the only people not laughing along with Kloucek were his colleagues.

But I’m laughing, while I enjoy my Kolache.

Events Center debate – off the rails

I saw this coming a mile away. Don’t ask the public what they think, and this is what you get, people fighting like cats and dogs.

Not sure if you knew it, but the Build it Downtown people have been fighting with the Mayor’s office for awhile (this is obvious). But it did not all come to a head until this week. There has been suspicians the mayor’s office is manipulating the parking numbers downtown.

Then of course come the denials, threats and intimidation. We could spend an entire thread talking about it, but . . .

Doesn’t matter, blah, blah, blah.

The fact remains, until this council and this mayor put it on the ballot and let voters decide if they want it, where, how much and how we will pay for it, all of these cock fights don’t matter.

Everyone needs to chill out, and take a quote from a frequent council addresser, Tim Stenga, “Been talkin’ to a lot of people.”

Me to Tim, and they are all stark raving mad (but in a good way, like myself) and that’s not pop psychology, that’s the facts, jack.