South DaCola

Saw this coming . . .

. . . concerning the racial discrimination accusations towards the ’18th Amendment’ bar. I received this comment on January 30 about the establishment, but didn’t really think much of it, until reading the Argue Endorser‘s story today;

2011/01/30 at 9:11 am

so it turns out that the 18th amendment is turning away black people at the door by handing them a card and telling them they have to call to find out why they are not allowed in the bar…sounds like a lawsuit to me!

I really don’t understand handing out the card? If you are so concerned about these ‘people’ being a threat to society I would hand them a condom instead.

As a result, management had instructed security workers to hand a piece of paper to people who they deemed might cause problems because of gang-related or “thug” dress, or because of perceived aggressive demeanor.

The paper invites the person to call the bar’s manager the next day to discuss why he was turned away and what the expectations are that would allow him in next time.

I’m on the fence about this issue. Racial discrimination is intolerable, and if they have people working for them that are racist towards blacks, they should be fired, I just find it odd that the same establishments employee black people. I have even heard councilor Anderson Jr. bar tends part time at one of the said bars.

Bar and restaurant owners can refuse service to anyone. I worked at a restaurant downtown that had a strict policy about teenagers and loitering. If they did not buy anything, I told them to leave. Were they pissed? Sure. But I will defend a business owner’s right to make money, and if a certain kind of patron is preventing that, throw their asses out.

I can hear it already. How is this any different then the smoking ban? It is very different. The smoking ban was about having a safe work environment for EMPLOYEES. It had nothing to do with patrons.

Who knows how this will play out.

My advice to the patrons that were turned away, stop crying and change your clothing. My advice to the bar owner, fire racists.

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