‘Goat steak, well done!’


When I used to work at a downtown European restaurant, great doom and gloom would come over servers when they had to take immigrants of a lesser eastern european country (which will remain nameless).

They THOUGHT they were Czech, Ukranian or Hungarian, but not a chance (I’m not even talking Romanian or Transylvanian).

In fact it got so bad, the owner would pay us to wait on them.

“Just do it, give them whatever, then send them away.”

Then the ultimate happened. They sat in my section at my latest franchise employer.

The same disposition; picky, bitchy, idiotic, and ordering food prepared like a caveman would, and pissed off because it tastes like shit.

They stiffed me. Just like they did sooooooo many fucking times at my other establishment.

But I GAVE THEM a second chance – sorta.

They came back, so I convinced another server to take them, but I schooled him on them and what to do. He charmed their asses off, he got all of their food right (without even hinting to them I was coaching him all along the way).

They were so impressed they got out their goat ass smelling phones and called their parents and told them to request him.

Of course, at the end of the day, as a server we care about two things, happy patrons and getting paid.

They tipped him 5%. As I expected from the goat farmers.

So I asked him, “Do you hate me?”

“No.” He said, “Your stories make it worth it.”

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 3/19/11

6 Thoughts on “The Ugly Table #35

  1. Funny story for the most part. Except I take exception to calling them “goat farmers.” I am curious of the “lesser” Eastern European country that would actually raise “goats” since I would be very, very curious what this country would be. Your co-workers somehow thought they were “Central European” but you mention “Eastern European.” I lived in “Central Europe” for some time and toured the East extensively. Somehow I seriously doubt that “they” were this bad and a 5% tip is pretty fricken good with an attitude like that. I have my share of trouble with my own accent when I order things in this town. Let’s not pretend that the European cuisine in this town is “European” and that the servers are as deserving as they think they are.

  2. l3wis on March 21, 2011 at 7:51 pm said:

    Settle down, you are reading too much into it, it was sarcasm. I just thought it was ironic that these same immigrants act the same way, no matter what restaurant they eat at. Picky and cheap. The two worst combinations.

  3. anominous on March 21, 2011 at 9:24 pm said:

    Was it the norwegians?

  4. l3wis on March 22, 2011 at 2:43 pm said:

    Eastern European.

    I can’t believe no one has guessed yet, but even if you do, I’m not telling.

    I will give you a clue, several years ago they had their own bar by Studio One (I think the place has been torn down). A friend and I walked by one night, and saw all these hottie eastern european women dancing in there, so we went in. We were told very quickly to ‘LEAVE’

    Trust me, my account of their dining skills may sound prejudice, but I have found them to be some of the most prejudice europeans I have ever met.

  5. Beer Jew on March 24, 2011 at 6:59 pm said:

    Belarus or Bosnia?

  6. l3wis on March 24, 2011 at 9:15 pm said:

    Not telling.

    Where the fuck is Belarus?

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