And why is our media continuing to allow it? The hiring of his new special projects manager is a prime example. The job was supposed to pay between $51-$71,000 a year (to essentially be a puppet for the mayor). Instead, the pay got bumped a bit:

Human Resources Director Bill O’Toole said she will earn $77,700 a year.

Don’t get me wrong, that much a year in the corporate world is probably peanuts, but Ms. Kendra must remember she is now a public servant, and I’m sorry, being a parrot for Mike isn’t worth $77,700 dollars a year of my tax dollars. It is pretty obvious that Ms. Kendra wasn’t going to leave CNA for less pay, that’s just silly, and I am sure that is why she asked for what she did. I also get the feeling that Huether hired a woman for the job because I think, and have heard he is kinda chauvanistic (water cooler talk), and it will be easier for him to control a woman (in his mind).

I have some advice for Ms. Kendra; even if it costs you your job, stand up to this guy. But who knows, you may be cut from the same corporate clothe.

8 Thoughts on “Why does the mayor continue to lie about his intentions? (H/T – Poly)

  1. Poly43 on March 4, 2011 at 2:49 pm said:

    Jennifer Holsen prolly has the best grasp of what’s going on here. This is what she posted a while back. It makes me WHY did the mayor need this position?

    From Jennifers Musings.

    What projects do you think this person will work on?

    The Event Center project? I thought Directors Cotter, Cooper and Smith were working on this project.

    Code Enforcement? I thought Assistant Planning Director Kevin Smith was working on that project.

    Diversity issues? HR Director O’Toole, his HR Manager-Employment & Training and Human Relations Manager/ADA Coordinator are responsible for diversity and civil rights enforcement issues/projects.

    Economic development projects? I thought that was CD Director Smith’s job.

    Reducing airfares? Again, another project under CD Director Smith.

    Railroad Relocation Project? Again, Directors Cotter, Cooper and Smith.

    Downtown Redevelopment? Another one for Director Smith.

    The project of improving relations with certain city councilors perhaps?

  2. l3wis on March 4, 2011 at 9:07 pm said:

    I can sum up Ms. Kendra’s job;

    “Caw! Caw! Mikey wanna cracker? Caw! Caw!”

  3. Chief of Staff only he is paying $77K instead of a hundred plus!!!

  4. l3wis on March 5, 2011 at 9:44 pm said:

    Thanks. He is saving us so much money.

  5. Poly43 on March 6, 2011 at 7:38 am said:

    What he’s really doing is playing an elaborate shell game. You know, the kind of games played in corporate America. Fires Sally Felix, thinking he’s doing us all a favor, only to find out he has to go out on a nation wide job search to replace her. He lateralled Kevin Smith from Public Works to Community Developement increasing their payroll by over $144,000 a year. Yet Public Works will still fill Kevins old position as assistant public works director. This kind of shuffling works great for CEO’s in the private sector. NOT HERE.

  6. john on March 6, 2011 at 8:02 pm said:

    L the point wasn’t that he was saving money just that he hired a che

  7. l3wis on March 6, 2011 at 8:04 pm said:

    I guess the same thing is going on in the attorney’s office, they pay the assistant city attorneys more then advertised. It has also happened in other departments.

    I guess we replaced a dictatorship with another dictatorship.

  8. l3wis on March 6, 2011 at 8:05 pm said:

    John, I got it, remember, I am a sarcastic fuck.

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