South DaCola

Why does the mayor continue to lie about his intentions? (H/T – Poly)

And why is our media continuing to allow it? The hiring of his new special projects manager is a prime example. The job was supposed to pay between $51-$71,000 a year (to essentially be a puppet for the mayor). Instead, the pay got bumped a bit:

Human Resources Director Bill O’Toole said she will earn $77,700 a year.

Don’t get me wrong, that much a year in the corporate world is probably peanuts, but Ms. Kendra must remember she is now a public servant, and I’m sorry, being a parrot for Mike isn’t worth $77,700 dollars a year of my tax dollars. It is pretty obvious that Ms. Kendra wasn’t going to leave CNA for less pay, that’s just silly, and I am sure that is why she asked for what she did. I also get the feeling that Huether hired a woman for the job because I think, and have heard he is kinda chauvanistic (water cooler talk), and it will be easier for him to control a woman (in his mind).

I have some advice for Ms. Kendra; even if it costs you your job, stand up to this guy. But who knows, you may be cut from the same corporate clothe.

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