Tim is fLustrated – me too.

I have always enjoyed Tim’s rants at the beginning of the City Council meetings (FF: 7:50), but it seems he touched a nerve with Mayor Subprime. Tim finally brings up the incident where the mayor summoned him to his office and asked him, “Who are you working for?” Tim told him tonight, and went on a fantastic tirade about the wasteful spending by the city, in which Mike cut him off at 3:45 minutes. Citizens are allowed 5 minutes as long as they are not being threatening or abusive in their testimony, which Tim was not. It was great to see Joe Six-Pack making an impression. (just for the record, I have never met Tim or have spoken with him. I know it is only a matter of time though. In other words, he’s not working for me, but I am fitting him for a South DaCola foot soldier uniform).

Go get em’ tiger!

12 Thoughts on “Citizen Advocate, Tim Stenga, gets cut off by the mayor

  1. Pathloss on April 19, 2011 at 3:56 pm said:

    Another soldier for the revolution. Demonstrations at city hall? I did a one man one with ‘No Home Rule’ T’s. Huether hates it, came out red in the face and really steamed. If you piss off the King, you’ll get police tough guys at your door. I have a dream: Constitutional freedom like before Munson.

  2. anominous on April 19, 2011 at 5:04 pm said:

    Ha ha ha!

  3. Helga on April 19, 2011 at 9:38 pm said:

    Constitutional freedom like in Michigan when the governor took over the town of Benton Harbor and told everyone to bugger off. A lot of that going on in states with nit wit repug governors.

  4. Why do we put up with this guy?

  5. I love your coverage of SF politics. It’s shameful that the Mayor cut this guy off.

  6. Poly43 on April 20, 2011 at 8:48 am said:

    First off, I’d like to commend people like l3wis, Theresa, Sy, Cory Heidelberger, Scott Hudson, Tim Stenga, and others just like them. You all put your name behind your remarks, which is a good thing. I suppose if I’m gonna rant on and on about the trials and tribulations of Mr & Mrs Joe SixPack, I’m going to need to be more forthcoming. Like Tim Stenga. It’s a work in progress for me. I stood before the good mayor munson and his councilors several years ago on an issue that would have impacted us all. We banded together, gave the council a piece of our mind, and did manage to change the council vote in our favor. BUT, when I spoke before the council that night I was a little shaky. Public speaking ain’t in my bag of tricks. Like I say, gotta work on that one.

    Back to the Tim Stenga presentation. Very good. Look again at the podcast. Watch in particular Darren Smith and his goon in the seats behind Tim shuffling their papers, acting like they are above what Tim is saying. They pretented not to care, or be listening…but they were, and know damn well they got a real tough sell ahead of them.

    Watched cotter and Theresa’s presentation also. Cotter filled us with volumetrics of why and Theresa countered with why volumetrics don’t mean a lot when most in this town struggle meeting daily financial requirements. This is the part that guys like cotter cannot see. Because they don’t have too, or don’t care, or both.

    While most who are on fixed incomes, or in the service industry, or cubicle warriors who have had stagnant wages or less with underemployment struggle to make ends meet, guys like cotter have gotten substantial pay increases every time there is a rate increase.

    A little more number crunching. Over the years we as city have used about the same amount of water for the last decade each year. Right around 8 billion gallons per year, give or take. Yet in the last five years, revenue from water bills have doubled. Like Theresa. I wonder what sinkhole that extra money has been falling into.

    Oh…and costner…because I know yer still out there sulking.:) In studying the 2007 thru 2011 final city budgets, which are jam packed full of useful tidbits by the way, I can categorically say this. Over the last decade, each man, woman, and child, who are billed thru the city water meters, have used on average 100 gallons of water a day. Sharpen your pencil and see what that works out to in ccf’s.

  7. Great post, Poly…and thanks.

  8. rufusx on April 20, 2011 at 11:52 am said:

    Poly – water rate sinkhole = Lewis and Clark.

    Federal/local combo project the Feds have failed to fund, while locals have paid off in advance. Feds preferring instead to dump what would fund their ENTIRE share of the project into Iraq once every 47 minutes over the past 8 years.

  9. l3wis on April 20, 2011 at 1:54 pm said:

    We should have never paid for Lewis and Clark in advance. Stupid.

  10. Pathloss on April 20, 2011 at 6:48 pm said:

    Poly, there’s the rich and the rest of us. In this town the rich are developers, doctors, bankers, some lawyers, and city administration. City admin salaries, bonuses, and benefits are obscene. It’s not Bell California because they had democracy and services despite the compensation ripoffs.

  11. We need more movers and shakers for the lower income in the city. The wealthy have enough movers and shakers.

  12. l3wis on April 21, 2011 at 9:19 pm said:

    I still think it is funny that Huether called a working class Joe like Stenga to his office and asked him, “Who is he working for?” Spoken like a true fucking greedy capitalist, only motivated by money. Guess what Mike, some of us in this community do the things we do because we care about the place we live, and the people who live here. We also have a problem with corruption in government. Kinda makes you wonder how many people Mike has paid off already?

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